Water is elixir of life. Each drop of water is precious. We have been polluting it for so long. Now it's time to preserve it. The arrival of water purifying system solved the problem of stinky and unsafe water.

According to large section it is not what it seems. It is true that RO purify the water but waste it too due to the high pressure. Above it the only plus point of drinking RO water is that you can satisfactorily drink it by thinking that you are drinking safe water. You will be shocked to know that the tap water may contain harmful elements like Arsenic in it.

Arsenic and other poison heavy metal chemicals in drinking water slowly poison you, because our liver and kidneys cannot get rid of it, and so these poison chemicals build up in our body (Bio-accumulate) and when symptoms appear, it is usually too late for treatment.

RO water has no essential minerals in it. They say that RO water is not good for health because it is too pure like distilled water. The third drawback claimed by some is that RO water is Acidic and thus is not good for health.

If you study deeply about filteration methods used in filtering water then you may conclude that RO water is nutrition less.

Reverse osmosis is a process that takes contaminated water and forces it through a semipermeable membrane (meaning the membrane only allows certain substances to pass through and not others).The processforces the water though these membranes and exerts enough pressure on it to remove impurities, large molecules, and minerals. The membranes are designed to have holes small enough to allow only water to pass through, catching all of the larger substances in the process. What’s leftover is completely pure water.

It is not like this that reverse osmosis water is not fully safe. While that might sound great at first, it’s not actually as good as it sounds. The water contains hundreds of nutrients and minerals, some of them are considered to be good for us. Water contains high amounts of numerous needful nutrients. This leads many to believe that reverse osmosis water is not good to drink or at the very least inadequate.

We can get the quantity of nutrients from other sources. But purity of water is top most priority. We can't take risk with our health. Water needs to be pured for safe drinking.

