It is science which has given such power to man that he is today using it indiscriminately. Man’s scientific temper has unravelled the mystery that surrounded his existence and evolution on earth. But his urge to learn more and invent more has made it a much needed topic to think over whether the list of books science has provided are more good or the destructive face science has unravelled is more harmful.

Merits science offers

We cannot deny the fact that life modern man is living, is much more secure life, thanks to science. The life expectancy of man has increased tremendously today. Miraculous inventions in the field of medical science has made man conquer incurable diseases. Gadgets like television satellite, cable network have widened our scope and we can watch programs telecasted worldwide. Mobile phones have brought revolution in the field of communication and we can indeed remain connected with our relatives staying across the seven seas.

Destructive inventions by science

But on the other side science is to be blamed for bringing our planet on the verge of extinction. God had given us a very pious and clean planet to live in, mother nature abounds with such bounties that it had sufficient sources to provide for all the living creatures on earth. All the inventions of science, whether they be vehicles or electrical gadgets like ACs, refrigerators or coolers, all are silent pollutants and are poisoning our planet with their toxic gases and thus endangering wild life and marine life.

Ill effects of inventions

Science has helped man to invent dangerous weapons, missiles and bombs which pose a constant threat to existence of life on earth. There is no shortage of threats from the natural world, including asteroid impacts and eruption of supervolcanoes. There are impacts that nuclear energy lays that would last for a long time and will show the worst effects. Aside it's powerful potential nuclear weapons are also too dangerous because of the old technologies used. It'll only be a matter of time before nation states hell bent on becoming nuclear capable will do so (Iran and North Korea being the best current examples). Part of the problem is that we live in the information age where the blueprints for these things are readily available for anyone who wants them — including non-state actors.

Invention of plastics has further aggravated the problem by releasing toxic chemicals in the air and making the planet a dump yard of such non-biodegradable waste. Invention of vehicles may have speed up our movement, but it has increased the number of accidents, so much so that today we live in constant fear of death and destruction.

