Moon Landing, Fake Or Real??

May 23, 2019   •  4 views

July 16, 1969.
A rocket named Appollo11 started to reach the moon which is 4lakh Kilometers away from the Earth. After 8 days, it has landed on the place where nobody has ever landed on. Millions of Americans were watching this event on their televisions. It is a great thing that a man has landed on the moon. But the question is that "Did they really land on moon?" Few conspiracy theorists have claimed that this did not happen and NASA faked it. They also said that the videos which showed the event were all computer generated and that was the biggest lie told in 20th century. Once if we observe the official photographs of NASA, we can understand many things.

In this footage, Neil Armstrong was about to foot his step on the moon. Once if we observe the background, the stars usually present in the sky are missing.

The American flag was moving even though there was no air on the moon.

In the photo the Lunar landers blast crater which would be formed when it lands on the moon cannot be seen.

Evidences like these has made the arguments of conspiracy theorists much stronger and therefore proving them hat no man has landed on the moon. Before telling what actually happened we have to travel back to 1950’s, after World War 2 Russia and America has been competing each other to dominate the world. During this time Russia has launched the first ever satellite on October 4th in 1957 and stood as the first country ever to launch a satellite. Seeing this America was shocked. America has established Nasa saying that they are capable of launching satellites as well. During this time Russia was able to launch satellites whereas America was not able to send a rocket into the space.

Laika the dog became the very first living creature to enter orbit after being launched on board the Soviet's Sputnik 2.

In November 1957 a street dog named Laika was sent into space by Russia. The reason for sending is a street dog is that only they can bear any temperature and can sustain with or without food. But sadly, the dog has died after a few hours due to the overheat caused by technical failures. In 1960, 2 dogs were sent again and this time Russia has successfully brought them back to the earth. In 1961 Russia has also sent a human into the space successfully. Seeing all this, the American government has started pressurizing NASA that it has to win Russia in the race.

John F Kennedy, the president of America then has promised his people that they will send humans directly on to the moon within 10 years unlike Russia which has only sent a person into the space. But after watching the photographs of moon that was taken by the Lunar spacecraft which Russia sent in 1966, America was once again surprised. First satellite was launched by Russia, first man who went into the space was sent by Russia, first pictures of moon were taken by Russia. so the America thought that at least the first person landed on the moon should be sent by them. So it has started Apollo mission then.

During 1960’s it was only possible to reach the moon, but there was no technology to come back safely. All the tests which were performed to come back safely were failed. But in 1969, Nasa has trained 3 astronauts and sent them on to the moon in Apollo 11 rocket. After these 3 astronauts has reached the moon they have sent photos and videos to the earth. But after seeing the photographs few scientists did not the believe the visuals. The reason was that when it was not possible for space crafts with no humans to land on the moon. Then how is it possible for Nasa to send humans on to the moon and bring them back to earth safely?

The conspiracy theorists have said that all the visuals have been shot in a desert, and it might be area 51 and that is the reason normal people are not allowed into area 51. They also told many other things, before launching the rocket Neil Armstrong has performed a balancing test on the lunar Lander. Due to his inefficient balancing it was exploded. Before the Lander has crashed he was safely ejected with the help of a parachute. How were they able to control the lunar Lander on the moon when they were not able to control it in the earth’s environment? There was no impact when such a big vehicle was landed on the moon. When we talk about footprints they can be created not only on the moon but on area 51 too.

Notice in the upper right that the shadow of the lunar lander extends directly to the right - towards the 3 o'clock position.

If it is true that this landing was shot in a studio then where are the proofs? All the proofs are present in the photos and videos released by Nasa itself. Why is the flag moving when here is no air on the moon? It is because that was shot in area 51. We can understand many other things when we observe the photos the only source of light they would have when they are on the moon is sun. When the only source of light is sun then why are the shadows in different angles? The shadows should be parallel when there is only one source of light but the shadows here are in different angles. It is because the studio in which they shot had multiple light sources. There is another proof to say that this video has been shot in a studio. That is..

when the astronaut gets down of the lunar Lander that shadow of it would fall on him. but still the astronaut can be seen clearly in the photos.

In this picture the sun is behind the lunar Lander but still even that looks clear. It is because the sun behind is computer generated.

Cross hairs should always be on top of the images always, but when we observe some pictures cross hairs are behind the objects. In this picture cross hair is behind the rover. If they are not really computer generated then why are the cross hairs behind the objects. Actually, NASA has tried to send a human on to moon in 1967 but when Apollo 1 was being tested by NASA there was a fire accident. Because of the fire all 3 astronauts couldn’t come out and they died inside the rocket. But few people say that this wasn’t an accident and it was done intentionally. Because the astronauts knew that NASA was going to fake the landing on moon and this why they killed them in the name of accident.

5 months after this accident happenedsafety inspector named Baron has investigated Apollo 1 and came to know few facts. With these facts he came to know that NASA can never reach the moon. He told this to the public. One week after saying this to the public he died in an accident. Nobody knows whether this accident was just a coincidence or NASA killed him because he came to know the truth. The report he made on Apollo 1 is still not out. Between 1964-1967 ten astronauts were dead in this way. All these are not what I am saying they are told by conspiracy theorists.

Is Apollo mission a movie shot with a budget of 40 billion dollars or was the rocket really sent? To know whether this is fake or true we must know whether the things like the lunar rover, American flagwhich are left on the moonare still there or not. But there are no telescopes which show the details clearly on the moon. Till date America is the only country which is able to send a human on to the moon. You might have some doubts now. When it was possible for people to go on to the moon in the 1960’s then why aren’t they able to go now? It is because travelling to the moon is too costly.

In 1960’s America and Russia were in space race so in order to make Americans proud the American government did not mindspending money on mission Apollo and they finally achieved it. But staying on the moon for few hours or few days would be of no use to anyone and moreover the cost of travelling would be too much. So America thought what would be the use of spending so much money for that. So this time America thought to stay on the moon for a few years and continue their research there.

America once again started a new project in 2004 to send a person on to the moon and this time it made sure that the technology is advanced and a person can stay there for a few years and the cost of journey would be less and the landing would be safe. so this time America is also taking more time. There is an another doubt that is Russia was the first country to send a rocket and a human into the space. Then why it can't send man to the moon? It is because Russia did not have much time and money then. Whereas America had so much money and it also had good funds. Russia only had small sized rockets which can carry humans into space but to carry humans on to the moon much heavier rockets were needed which Russia did not have the technology for, whereas America had the technology needed for the bigger rockets. That is why America could achieve it before Russia. Though Russia developed the technology required to reach the moon. They failed 4 tests in a line. Russia did not have sufficient money to conduct new tests and due to lack of proper leadership the moon landing mission that they have started came to an end. That is why Russia couldn’t send humans on to the moon. So to know whether we really landed on moon, we will have to travel to moon and search for the proofs.



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