Game Of Thrones is an American drama series with a huge fan base following all over the world. After 73 episodes of unanticipated outcomes, eight years of pure suspense, and 4352 minutes of apprehension, the season finale finally was aired on May 19th, 2019.

The next question follows -

What kind of ruler will Bran The Broken be?

The most shocking revelation that the finale made was to make the three-eyed raven protector of the realm and the KKing of the six kingdoms. Many questions come into account listening to see his quest of being the KKing. The first of them is; can Bran see the future? It was known that Bran could see the past and can know precisely what is happening in a specific place in the present time. However his controversial statement “why do you think I come all this way?” when asked by Trion if he wants to be the King; leads to the fact that Bran already knew that he was going to be the King. If he could see the future, then why didn’t he stop the mishap that happened with the inhabitants of King’s Landing?Can he warg the last dragon alive? Why did he want to know where Drogon was? There are many questions on Brandon Stark, and the answers to none can be established.

What happened to Dorne?

With Prince Doran Martell and his son Trystane Martell being murdered by Ellaria Sand, The Dorne was without an heir as Prince Oberyn was killed in the combat by the Mountain. The last scene with House Martell was shown in season 6 in High gardens. After that, the show proceeded to other stories, and not much of a conclusion was given to the House of Sunspear. Yet in the Great Council held after the death of Daenerys to choose a new king, viewers were suddenly shown a warden for the house of Dorne. Nothing is known about the new warden as all the decedents of the noble house of Dorne were killed. Is he some distant relative of Prince Doran Martell? Is he someone of the regular class who regained power in Dorne after the demise of Prince Doran? How did he come to the high council to be a part of the selection of the new KKing? Many questions will remain unanswered about the great house that is the House Martell.

