Should Cloning Of Animals Be Banned?

Kesar Rana
Jul 02, 2019   •  19 views

Since the successful cloning of Dolly the sheep, cloning of animals have increased in a large number. Not only mammals, but mice, frogs, plants, and pigs have also been cloned. Cloning creates an exact copy of the animals or plants. They both are genetically alike. Most animals are cloned for research purposes. The purpose of cloning is to create better clones than identical ones.

Clones are also used for donor organs purposes, to create medicines in milk and producing antibodies for infectious diseases. Cloning is used for study purposes. It helps to get a better understanding of age-related diseases, the development of embryo and aging. Cloning is both a boon and a bane for the society.

Although it will solve the farmer's problems. They do not have to worry about diseases that can cause animals to humans. Cloned animals will be disease-free. Animals have been cloned in such a way that their genes are disease resistant. The farmers don’t have to spend money when animals get killed and their meat and milk will be of high quality than the original ones. Cloning is beneficial to those people who raise animals for the competition.

With the help of cloning, they can be able to preserve genes of the animals depending on what they want in the cloned animals. Scientists can be able to clone the species of endangered animals who are on the verge of extinct.

Not always the experiment of cloning is successful. So, far only 11 cloning experiments have been successful. Often the cloned experiments die at a young age.

The organs of some clones are not fully developed. Some of them grow overweight, bloating and their heart and lungs do not work properly. It is because their genes are not fully developed. Scientists are working out for the solution. Many people did not like the idea of using food and meat from cloned animals. Some say that using cloned animals for that purpose is totally insane.

The cost of processing the experiment of cloned animals is very costly. Scientists have to try hundreds of times in order to create one successful cloned animal. There are still chances that the cloned animal will have genetic defects and die at a young age.

Cloning is really helpful for us in many ways. It can help us to study more deeply about reproduction and genetics. It is still a challenge to successfully clone an animal that is fully developed and has no genetic defects. Scientists are working in this direction and we hope to get some positive results.

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