Personality is related to the psychological example of an individual— considerations, emotions, and thoughts—that are novel to a person. In fact, the totality of character, characteristics, and qualities of a person are in charge of transforming his character and behaviour. These inborn personality qualities and the distinctive soft skills collaborate with each other and make an individual what he or she is in real world.

In simpler words, personality is a lot of characteristics that make a person different from another. It is the addition of the attributes that establish the mental and physical being of a person involving appearance, etiquettes, habits, taste and even good character. The character of an individual is the means by which he introduces himself to the world; it is the manner by which others see him. Every single and personal individual quality is a by-product of two major attitude types: introversion and extroversion. Extroverts are optimistic, hopeful, active and confident, while introverts are opposed to going out and confronting the world outside. Other than introversion and extroversion, various temperaments of people assume an important job in deciding their personality and character.

Likewise, personality development is not an overnight role. It requires lots of time and exertion to prep and shape personality. Admit that personality development is the result of such huge number of factors which incorporate self-discipline, certainty, focus, memory, and smile, humor et cetera. All the great men of the world who rose to the stature of progress were men of strong determination. All the prodigies, researchers and eminent personalities had this quality in abundance. It was their will which motivated and guided them to ascend despite insurmountable opposition. Strong will power can change the direction of the wind to support its followers. Men will never venture back in the face of defeats and sorrows. They have full trust in their will. Hence they believe and succeeded by the day’s end. Strong will-power prompts the development of self-assurance. Self-confidence is very critical to prevail throughout every-day in life. An individual who has trust in his work will not surrender in the times of difficulties and odds. He will battle valiantly until he succeeds in achieving his target. Disappointments and hardships do not discourage a confident individual. It is his certainty that elevates him to attempt again and again.

Besides, a large number of external, inherent and acquired traits add to building the personality. These characteristics have honesty, humility, dignity, self-respect and so forth. Every one of these variables combines to shape the character and personality of a man. These cannot be developed within a single day. It should be instilled from childhood. Both parents and instructors have a significantly important role in the personality development and advancement of a man.

