Body Swap (Part 2) :- Student In A Teacher's Body

Riteek Bhatt
May 31, 2019   •  71 views

“Wake up or you’ll be late for college. Can’t believe it.” that’s what starts Abhinav’s day but that morning, he felt something unusual. Anyhow, he woke up and went to his bathroom, where heremembered the last day’s forecast and was shocked being in Prof Yashpal’s body.
“You usually doesn’t get late Yash, What happened today. You were very punctual of your time.” said Meera, Prof Yashpal’s wife. It took a bit of time for Abhinav to completely digest the fact that he’s Yashpal. Initially, he was a bit afraid of all this but became comfortable afterwards.

“Ok Mom, I’m leaving for college” said Abhinav.

“Mom? What did you said Yashpal?” asked Meera.

“I said. I’m leaving for college. Will be late to Home” stammered Abhinav.

“Oh! I might have listened something else. Anyhow, have a nice day” she said.

Abhinav rushed from the house when Meera came
“How are you going Yash, you’ve forgotten the keys. Here take these” she said.

“Car! I don’t even know how to drive it” he thought.

“I’ll go by bus today. Not in mood to drive. Ok bye” he rushed.

“Just saved by an inch.” Abhinav uttered.

That day when he reached college, he noticed his friends coming.

“Hi guys” he said. But they looked him in a strange manner. He then remembered he was Yashpal right now.

So his first lecture as Prof Yashpal was at his own class. He entered the room. 10 minutes after class started, a known voice came “May I come in” it was Prof Yashpal as Abhinav.
“Oh! Prof is himself late for the class. Hahaha” Abhinav thought.
“Come in child” very lovingly he welcomed himself into the class.

Abhinav started liking the change. He was enjoying. Now no assignments, no quizzes, no tests etc. Everything was just fine. Until arrived Assist Prof Sharma, who came there for exam question papers which Prof Yashpal was supposed to prepare but Abhinav didn’t knew where it was so he asked him to come after half an hour. He started thinking what to do now when came a student for some doubts. He again told him to come after some time. He was in between all these while Meera called him for some problem. He hurriedly listened to her and disconnected. One of the Prof asked him to give the marks of students, which again he had no idea about. So he was caught in between lots of stuff which he couldn’t have even imagined off.

He rushed to the ground where Prof Yashpal also came running. “I was better as Abhinav. Please, I want to be myself again and sir I’m sorry. I understood now that you are very punctual of your time and so you scold me on being late” he pleaded. Then again happened a celestial announcement and everything again got faded. All he remembered was the next day being back as Abhinav but a more responsible one. One who is punctual and who respects everyone, especially Prof Yashpal with whom, he had recently swapped his body.

