Natural Home Made Facial Scrubs And Packs.

Rishika Shetty
Jun 09, 2019   •  31 views

Summers and increased pollution in the air has made our skin tan, dull and what not! But we can't escape the hot weather outside and the pollution but we can definitely use some home remedies to the rescue! These are the few natural home made facial scrubs and packs which you can easily make and apply it to your skin to make your skin get rid of the outcomes of heat and pollution.


1.Coffee Scrub

Coffee powder mixed with some brown sugar ( white sugar would also do) and some coconute oil would form a good scrub which would help as an excellent exfoliater and would help exfoliate and remove the dirt and dust on your face.

2.Sugar and Honey Scrub

Sugar and honey when mixed together along with some lemon juice squeezed into it forms yet another helpful scrub as sugargranules and honey helps to exfoliate dirt and at the same time lemon tries to lighten your skin tone as well!

3.Tomato and Sugar Scrub

Tomato when cut into 2 sides, the side can be dipped in a dish spread with sugar and can be gently move and scrub over your face, this would help to remove the dead skin cells as sugar would do that and as tomato has got all the essential vitamins in it, it can help to loosen up the pores and remove all the acnes and pimple marks off your skin!


1.Betroot Face Pack

Betroot Juice mixed with a bit of lemon juice forms an idle face pack for lightening and brightening up your skin tone. This pack can be applied and left for 10-15 minutes and then rinsed with warm water.

2. Turmeric and Gram FlourPack

Very popular among we Indians, Haldi and Besan pack is one of the idle face packs of all time! This can help as a tan removal and also to have an even tone skin naturally!

3. Yogurt and Gram Flour Pack

Dahi and Besan when mixed together and applied can give you an even tone and brighten your face tone and also help you to get rid of dark spots and can also act as a tan removal.

4. Sandalwood Pack

Even this is poopular among we Indians, Chandan & Rose Water when mixed together and applied on your face can act as an excellent face pack as sandalwood helps in anti ageing and aslo to lighten your skin tone and brighten your skin.

5. Lemon & Honey Face Pack

Honey and a bit of lemon juice can be mixed together and can be applied on the face as both of them have got magical remedial facts, honey and lemon help you to get rid of your blackheads and also gives you a glowing look at the same time!

These were the must try face masks and scrubs irrespective of different skin types for amazing and fine results through home made stuffs!

