We are all stressed during our exams and there is a high need to continually remind ourselves that as much as we need to study, we also need to take care of ourselves. During this time, our sleep schedule becomes enormous. We are mentally so pressurized due to peer pressure and the society that we are almost always occupied studying.A lot of people have high expectations from us which we need to meet and adhere to. There is an unrealistic expectation which weighs the students down and we let those things to define ourselves. There is a much need that we take care of ourselves more than these grades. Here are some essentials which you need to typically take care of.

1) Nutritious diet

Avoid eating junk food as much as you can, especially during exams. We need proper food diet to supply energy in our bodies. The junk food which we consume are not healthy and at many times unhygienic also. Consuming a good diet will ensure you do not lose concentration during both your study and exam times. You can also prepare frozen food for yourself as they are a life-saver during exam time as well as nutritious also.

2) Stay Hydrated

Water is the most necessary ingredient for your life. By keeping yourself hydrated it will not only make your metabolism better, but also help you concentrate better on your exam days. One should aim for 1.5 to 2L of water. It is advised to keep water at a near distance from where you study and also take a water bottle with you in examination hall.

3) Avoid caffeine

A lot of us intake tea, coffee and dark chocolates in large amounts during exams so that we can study for long hours.However, it is said that intake of these items on large scale can really affect our metabolism.It causes the body to lose fluid and increase the need to use the toilet, which is not ideal during an exam!

4) Take study breaks

We start studying during the peak time and end up studying for long hours. This leads to a lot of health related issues like back aches, head-ache, mental issues. Taking short study breaks in which you can exercise and go a little outside for a walk can stimulate your mind and also help you memorize the topics more efficiently.

5) Sleep

Don’t forget to sleep during your exam days. Most children tend to study all night and end up sleeping for an hour or so. This should not be the case at all. You should always consider aleep a priority and sleep for at least 7 hours before any exam.

Don’t worry for your exams much, life won’t end here. You will get a zillion opportunities ahead in your life where these won’t matter at all. Good luck for your exams!



Profile of Jannat Jain
Jannat Jain  •  5y  •  Reply
Very effective tips!
Profile of Kesar Rana
Kesar Rana  •  5y  •  Reply
Nice article. Check on us