Contributor Series-2, Scope Of Contribution

Ranjith Bollabathini
Aug 08, 2019   •  12 views

Before getting to the point, let us discuss 'what is a contribution?'

As discussed in an earlier article, i.e., contributor Series-1, the word contribution refers to the qualities of possessing.

-Result focussed

-Human concern

-Excellence in work

-Enhancing Trust surplus.

A man/woman to say as a contributor, he /she should possess the above qualities for at least a minimum of two in their work or goal.

Where can we contribute?

This question can be answered by recognizing 3 zones of widening contribution.

A. 3zones of contribution

Zone-I: Contribution to self

Zone-II: Contribution to collective

Zone-III: Contribution to society

Zone-I: Contribution to self

In this zone, our contributors are for our development. For example, when we build us, we develop our capability, we contribute to ourselves. In short, it is just for the sake of ourselves.

Zone-II: Contribution to collective

As we widen this zone, our scope of Contribution extends. Here we contribute to the various Collectives. We are the part of - such as our families, community, team, organization, etc. For insurance, when we act in a way that builds the reputation of our institution, we contribute to the institution we belong to.when we support our extended families in times of crisis, we provide to them.

Zone-III: contribution to society

In this zone we widen our participation even further, to reach the organization at large-e.g. our locality, our nation, our professional community, the community of people we serve, our field, our industry, etc. For instance, when we protect the resources of our nation, we contribute to our country.

Explore how to widen one's scope of contribution through a case example.

Identify which zone of contribution. Discuss and sort.

Sort them & place the corresponding example number in the right category

Build a scope of contribution map for a case.

Project Goal

Build a map that defines a selected person's contributions in each of the 3 zones.

Project Task

step1: Go through the two stories in the app and select anyone for this project.

step2: Based on your selection, identify the contributions of that person and build a scope of Contribution map.

Scan the below QR code for the app.

