A second choice...or even a second thought is a mere indication that something's not right..Only the unwanted feels the need of the most desired..And if a contrary opinion pops up..it means either you have failed or that you're still not matured enough to choose wisely..
Life is not a child's play...only if you're confident let it out..else bury it deep inside for the trigger of right moment.
If there's a second thought then that's not it...
Choice is what which stabs us every now and then. If there's an assurity over what you seek then the underlying is never a concern. Possibility is when the confusion arises but confidence is when the probability is diminished and 100% is conquered.
Second thought, and it lies everywhere..If you're not sure whether it's right or wrong or whether you're not matured enough to realize the complexion within then the choice can never be understood neither can you make a move. It's always hard to move along the path in a confused manner without having conscience over the probability of occurence. It's hard to proceed with the messy thought all ready to frame the negativity. Being depressed and unable to take a decision is a foolish act which will later push you into the pit of failure.
Starting from high school where the decision over what you want to become arises. Again manipulated by the society we give in for their opinion keeping our wish aside. Off to passion now, earning is what the society is all bothered about and considering the value, we hide our passion behind and we start following the herd. Leading to nowhere, we realize the impact over the spell casted making us mesmerized all this while.
Confidence is when even the wrong becomes right. Once your sure about the decision you're going to make, give your best then there's going to be none called as second opinion to manipulate.
Never let the shit bother u for long..If it's destined to ruin the routine provoke the underlying monotonic emotion which though is not a cure, sure can assure being a preventive. The more you mould yourself into the phase of acceptance the less is it's relevance. At one point, even the floods may drift into drought...
. "Silly" is how you get tuned when the realization of "none" strikes. Troublesome it may turn when you try triggering it again. The mirage will fade, definitely not now but ultimately later. When you decide to give in for the blankness it really means welcoming the dementor for a kiss. Once the coldness beholds then there's none to help. . . The more you focus on the quest over the not so damn future you are actually letting the hell lot of fun moments drift by. Instead kick out the " so called void" and let it slide into irrelevance...