As we know the rapid urban growth is already placing a considerable strain on the existing infrastructure, and with more people making the move to urban living, it’s only going to get worse in the coming years. IoT is a solution to this problem and moreover good one.

Approximately 70 % of the world’s population is expected to live in cities by 2050 according to Gartner.

To accommodate this new demand on cities, municipalities around the globe are turning to the Internet of Things innovation to enhance their services, reduce costs, and improve communication and interaction. Though the potential is there for IoT to improve nearly every aspect of urban living.

Here are some of the major features an IOT city will provide :-

More efficient water supply

Iot can prevent water wastage, smart meters can improve to transform the way cities consumewater by providing improved leak detectionand data integrity. Also, these meters can be designed to feature customer-facing portals, providing residents with real-time access to information about their consumption and water supply.

Solution to traffic congestion

Traffic congestion – which is already a massive problem – is only going to get worse. A problem that can be solved using Iot. Using smart Traffic signals can adjust their timing to accomodatetraffic and keep cars moving. Even officials can collect data from traffic cameras, vehicles and road sensors to monitor traffic incidents in real-time. People will already be aware of the less conjested routes, and even accidents can be avoided.

Reliable public transportation

As we know public transport is disrupted whenever there are road closures, equipment breakdown. With Iot we can give transit authorities the real-time insights they need to implement contingency plans, ensuring that residents always have access to safe, reliable, and efficient public transportation. This might be done using insights from cameras or connected devices at bus shelters or other public areas. Even for school busses this would be an ideal way.

Smart Homes

Using energy efficiently is one of the key factors why smart homes are in the running now. Having maximum output while saving energy is something to look for. Home Automation is the trend now .

Research shows that commercial buildings waste up to 30 % of the energy they use, so savings with a smart building energy management system can be significant.

Improved public safety

One of the key features that we all must look forward to. Even now some cities have hundreds of cameras monitoring traffic for accidents and public streets for safety concerns. Video analytics software helps process the thousands of hours of video footage each camera produces, whittling it down to only important events. Thus systems using IoT technology turn every camera attached to the system into a sensor, with edge computing and analytics starting right from the source. Artificial intelligence technology like machine learning will then complete the analysis and send video footage to humans who can react quickly to solve problems and keep residents safe.

Changing the traditional street lights with LED lights is something we must look forward to, not only do the LED lights last longer and conserve energy, they also provide information on outages in real time. City workers can use that information to ensure important areas are well lit to give protection against crimes.

So :

How Can Your City Use IoT Technology?

For the Authority to successfully increase their efficiency, and improve the quality of life for their residents, they need a platform that can power IoT applications for smart cities, which should be the priority. The right one will aggregate, process, and interpret the data that smart devices generate, ensuring that the infrastructure is in place to take these cities into the new era of connectivity and development.

The possibilities are endless and the impact will be substantial.

Thank You !

