Yoga Poses For Good Skin

It's proved and nobody can deny with the fact that doing yoga is very beneficial for our health but did you ever wonder that yoga can also be benificial for your skin's health. Yes, yoga also has the power to strongly affect your skin in a positive way. Yoga cleans toxins, impurities and pollution from your skin naturally and also changes the harmones in the body which indirectly make your skin glow. Now let's see few yoga poses which are beneficial for your skin.


This yoga pose is also called as shoulder stand as in this yoga pose you have keep the legs straight pointing towards the sky on the support of shoulder.Practicing this asana 3 to 5 times a day will keep your skin away from pimples or acne and promotes blood circulation towards your face which help in improving skin texture and complexion.


In this yoga pose you have to bend forward keeping your legs straight and touch the ground.Doing this thrice a day helps in increasing oxygen supply to the skin cells up to the body's full potential and supply nutrients that encourages skin rejuvenation.


This pose is also called fish pose. It promotes skin health by improving the functioning of the harmone secreting glands in the body. Matsyasana also help in reducing body fat by increasing the body temperature.


This is a relaxing cobra pose which help in reducing stress, tension and fatigue, it also rejuvenates skin. It also provides extra oxygen to the skin cells which helps body in flushing out toxins out of the body.


This pose is also called mountain pose as in this pose we have to simply stand straight and do rhythmic breathing which help in releasing toxins out of the body, it helps to make your brain strong and the skin glowing and healthy.


This yoga pose lets more oxygen enter in your heart, lungs and chest. This pose also increases flow of blood to your face and head. Doing this asana 5 to 6 times a day will show the best results.


This Yoga pose is also called as child pose or resting pose. This yoga asana helps in increasing blood flow Around the head making your skin look refreshed and rejuvenated. This yoga pose also help in releasing stress or tension from the back, shoulders and chest.

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