Learn Important Computer Shortcut Keys

Mar 24, 2020   •  2 views
Important Shortcut Keys System

CTRL+A …. Select All

CTRL+C …. Copy

CTRL+X …. Cut

CTRL+V …. Paste

CTRL+Z …. Undo

CTRL+B …. Bold

CTRL+U …. Underline

CTRL+I …. Italic

F1 …. Help

F2 …. Rename selected object

F3 …. Find all files

F4 …. Opens file list drop-down in dialogs

F5 …. Refresh current window

F6 …. Shifts focus in Windows Explorer

F10 …. Activates menu bar options

ALT+TAB …. Cycles between open applications

ALT+F4 …. Quit program, close current window, if an application is open ; shows shut down options, if no application is open

ALT+F6 …. Switch between current program windows

ALT+ENTER …. Opens properties dialog

ALT+SPACE …. System menu for current window

ALT+¢ …. opens drop-down lists in dialog boxes

BACKSPACE …. Switch to parent folder

CTRL+ESC …. Opens Start menu

CTRL+ALT+DEL …. Opens task manager, reboots the computer

CTRL+TAB …. Move through property tabs

CTRL+SHIFDRAG .… Create shortcut (also right-click, drag)

CTRL+DRAG …. Copy File

ESC …. Cancel last function

SHIFT …. Press/hold SHIFT, insert CD-ROM to bypass auto-play

SHIFT+DRAG …. Move file

SHIFT+F10 …. Opens context menu (same as right-click)

SHIFT+DELETE …. Full wipe delete (bypasses Recycle Bin)

ALT+underlined letter …. Opens the corresponding menu

PC Keyboard Shortcuts

Document Cursor Controls

HOME …. to beginning of line or far left of field or screen

END …. to end of line, or far right of field or screen

CTRL+HOME …. to the top

CTRL+END …. to the bottom

PAGE UP …. moves document or dialog box up one page

PAGE DOWN …. moves document or dialog down one page

ARROW KEYS …. move focus in documents, dialogs, etc.

CTRL+ > …. next word

CTRL+SHIFT+ > …. selects word

Windows Explorer Tree Control

Numeric Keypad * …. Expand all under current selection

Numeric Keypad + …. Expands current selection

Numeric Keypad – …. Collapses current selection

File menu options in current program

Alt + E …. Edit options in current program

F1 …. Universal help (for all programs)

Ctrl + A …. Select all text

Ctrl + X …. Cut selected item

Shift + Del …. Cut selected item

Ctrl + C …. Copy selected item

Ctrl + Ins …. Copy selected item

Ctrl + V …. Paste selected item

Shift + Ins …. Paste

Home …. Go to beginning of current line

Ctrl + Home …. Go to beginning of document

End …. Go to end of current line

Ctrl + End …. Go to end of document

Shift + Home …. Highlight from current position to beginning of line

Shift + End …. Highlight from current position to end of line

Ctrl + f …. Move one word to the left at a time

Ctrl + g …. Move one word to the right at a time


Alt + Tab …. Switch between open applications

Alt +Shift + Tab …. Switch backwards between open applications

Alt + PrintScreen …. Create screen shot for current program

Ctrl + Alt + Del …. Reboot/Windows® task manager

Ctrl + Esc …. Bring up start menu

Alt + Esc …. Switch between applications on taskbar

F2 …. Rename selected icon

F3 …. Start find from desktop

F4 …. Open the drive selection when browsing

F5 …. Refresh contents

Alt + F4 …. Close current open program

Ctrl + F4 …. Close window in program

CTRL + F …. Display the search for computers window

WINDOWS + F1 …. Display the Microsoft® Windows® help

WINDOWS + R …. Open the run window

WINDOWS +Pause /Break …. Open the system properties window

WINDOWS + U …. Open utility manager

WINDOWS+ L …. Lock the computer (Windows XP® & later)


Ctrl + A …. Select all contents of the page

Ctrl + B …. Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + C …. Copy selected text

Ctrl + X …. Cut selected text

Ctrl + N …. Open new/blank document

Ctrl + O …. Open options

Ctrl + P …. Open the print window

Ctrl + F …. Open find box

Ctrl + I …. Italicize highlighted selection

Ctrl + K …. Insert link

Ctrl + U …. Underline highlighted selection

Ctrl + V …. Paste

Ctrl + Y …. Redo the last action performed

Ctrl + Z …. Undo last action

Ctrl + G …. Find and replace options

Ctrl + H …. Find and replace options

Ctrl + J …. Justify paragraph alignment

Ctrl + L …. Align selected text or line to the left

Ctrl + Q …. Align selected paragraph to the left

Ctrl + E …. Align selected

