Eyeglasses And Its Different Types

Pranjal Deka
Mar 15, 2019   •  1 view

Have you ever come through this word or term “eyeglasses” in your whole lifetime? If yes, then did you know the importance of eyeglasses in our lives i.e. the function, role and necessity of eyeglasses in a person’s lifetime?

If no, let’s discuss the definition, meaning, role, function and necessity of eyeglasses in a person’s lifetime. What if a visually impaired person (whether a man or women) can move around or go to unfair places, can read newspapers, do office works, read story books or any text and can navigate in real time without depending on anyone else becoming self-independent?

What is an eyeglass?

Glasses known as eyeglasses or spectacles are glasses consisting of hard or plastic lenses mounted on a frame which holds them upon their eyes with a cover like bridge formed on nose and arms rested upon the ears. Glasses are typically used for vision correction such as provided with reading glasses and glasses used for nearsightedness. Safety glasses provide protection against flying debris for roadside construction workers and for laboratory technicians which protects the eyesight as these glasses are provided with protection for the sides of eyes as well as in lenses. These glasses are provided for protection of eyes against any visible or non-visible radiations during some medical work or any kind of other works. Glasses are provided during some sports for protection or safety measures such as squash. Glasses are worn by some people in daylight for protection of their eyes against excessive levels of ultraviolet radiations coming from the sun towards the earth atmosphere.

Types of eyeglasses:-

1.Corrective:- It is used to correct refractive index of a people by bending the light entering a people’s eyes in order to alleviate the effects of conditions such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hypermetropia) or astigmatism.

2.Safety:- These glasses are worn by people to protect their eyes. These glasses are provided by break-proof plastic lenses which helps the protection of eyes against debris or any kind of other harmful matter. These are generally worn by a machinist, construction workers, laboratory technicians etc.

3.Sunglasses:- These glasses provide more comfort and protection to eyes against the bright light rays and often against UV rays.

4.Mixed double frame:- The double frame uplifting glasses consists of a moving frame with one pair of lenses and the basic fixed frame with another frame of lenses, connected by four linkages.

5.3D Glasses:- The illusion of three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface can be created by only 3D glasses. They create the illusion of three dimensions by providing each eye with visual information.

6.Magnification:- These glasses are used by people with vision impairments and certain occupational demands.

7.Yellow tinted computer or gaming glasses:- These glasses are a special type of glasses with a minor yellow tint. These are provided to correct minor colour correction on the top of reducing eyestrain due to the improper linkage.

8.Anti-glare protection glasses:- These are also known as anti-reflective glasses due to their property of reducing the reflection of light that enters our eyes.

What are the main uses of eyeglasses?

The uses of eyeglasses are as follows:-
1.Eyeglasses are used for vision correction.
2.Correction for myopia, hypermetropia and minor colour vision.
3.Eyeglasses also help in creating the illusion of three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface.
4.Eyeglasses give protection of eyes against debris, other harmful matter, bright light and UV radiations.

5.Eyeglasses help to reduce the reflection of light entering in a person’s eyes.

There are various eyeglasses available in the market. Many people wear it to have some good looks or as a fashion trend while many people refuse to wear it as it may affect their good looks. But if we have some eye problems then, we should wear the eyeglasses irrespective of our looks as health is prior to looks. Moreover, we also should not demotivate others on the basis of their looks because of eyeglasses. So it is necessary and essential for everyone to wear eyeglasses according to their demand at respective time periods in order to protect their eyes from any kind of harm or hazards.

