The Impending Theory Of Black Holes

Piyush Kuril
Apr 23, 2019   •  41 views

A sense of mystery

Black holes carry a sense of mystery. Obviously, it's never been encountered or seen within our Galaxy. It always fantasized me and sparked a curiosity of what it's to see a black hole with naked eyes. It may be not possible within my life span, but I'm confident it'll be possible one day. Because it exists. It is real. Recently, a milestone was achieved by capturing the first ever real image of a existing black hole (not a computer simulation) some light years away.

Though we are far away from actually studying it's properties, it's a big leap towards in cosmology. The physics we study, has some deviations with the theory of black holes, indicating a missing component in our discoveries. That component, I believe holds a significant and major answers realted to our existence.


"Existence" a word with a powerful sense of reality in it; is often used around a very dark, scientifically true, just hypothetically imaginable thing termed as black holes.

The nomenclature of this thing being though fairly simple and up-front (round, circular object with dark or black appearance), it is one of the most complex structures of the universe that has been ever known.

Once considered a mathematical curiosity, black holes have taken the center stage in the cosmological studies. Investments of several million-dollar projects and countless decades to know about these super massive structures haven't disappointed as the first picture of a black hole was captured by the EHT, NSF, USA proved it's existence.

A big deal, isn't it? Nah? You're wrong. Capturing such a significant structure of the universe proves several theories of our physics are in a right motion, thanks to Albert Einstein's General Relativity Theory and Karl Schwarzschild's solution to it.

But a sparkling question arising significant considerations to the future, are black holes the impending destroyer that are made to wolf down us?

Seriously, I mean, that's the only thing they do. Beyond the supreme prowess they possess and the scale of operation these things make us miniscule. Understanding them completely (which seems impossible over billions of years considering the pace of studies and current technology) isn't necessarily gonna be the tool to stop them or may be they aren't meant to.

And if they are made to do so, what is the problem?
The mess the humanity has made, there needs to be a cleaner.

To restore the balance to which this universe operates there has to be a force, I reckon, even if it is "dark".
