Many broker firms dealing in stock exchange often maintain databases, which store information on almost all major stocks listed in the stock exchanges along with their commodity charting history. The experts dealing with the analysis of stocks and commodities are required to quickly access that database, whenever they need. Since the rates of the stocks and commodities are very dynamic, the database that such experts access must be available all the time and reflect the current values of stocks. For the setup of such databases, such firms are required to take help of some dedicated firms that offer such services. In case you own a stock-brokerage firm and have the requirement of a robust database for stock rates, you may contact us at Pinnacle Data.
We offer stock data solutions to our clients, which they may use to assess the future of stocks and commodities based on their past trends, market breadth data, bond rates, indices, economic data, and sentiment. We assure to keep our data updated on regular basis so that our clients would be able to access only the latest values of the stocks and prevent themselves from any probable losses. We seek least charges from our clients for the Inexpensive Market Breadth Data, which we offer. We offer three types of databases that you can use on the compatible computers and servers of your firms. The data that we offer is cleanest in the market and is supported with the DataMaker application.