How To Look Stylish All The Time

Parul Jain
Jan 20, 2020   •  5 views

First you should know what is the meaning of style ..

*style is something that you do on your daily basis ...its my Mismatching different types of clothes and converting them into modernization.

*it is something that you feel comfortable in .

*style is not only obout the clothes that you are wearing …the way you talk the way you behave ..the way you love yourself..this also comes into style ❤

Lets begin with how to look stylish all the time …

1-prepare you outfits the day before

*if you prepare your outfits the day before it prevents you from stressing the another got more time for do more stuffs .

Know wht you are going to wear …wht are the accessories you are going to wear with that …arrange your makeup products …clean your room ..keep all the things aside …it also save you time in the morning❤


*drink lots and lots of water as much as possible …its helps to make your skin flawless …it gives a shine on your skin when you wake up next day in the morning ….

*always drink water before going to sleep nd after waking up in the morning ..

3-Iron your clothes

Nobody likes wrinkled clothes …always iron your clothes before sleeping so the next day you got more time for getting ready istead of ironning your clothes

4-dress to impress yourself 

*Always dress like a pro …always dress up for yourself not for others …always wear the clothes that you are comfortable in them…. 

*try to mismatch outfits and make them look like pro…you can do makeup everyday ..always use products According  to your skin …always wear something that makes you  look stylish❤

5-clean your makeup brushes

*allways clean your brushes atleat 3 times a weak ….if you dont clean them thn they are going to affect your skin and make ur makeup look dull …so always clean them😊

