A company or a brand has to set up a certain position of themselves in the market to achieve success and attain development. There are various methods in which this can be done. Different Entrepreneurs use different strategies in different points of time according to the business situation.

One of the major methods that can be followed by various businessmen is by applying the strategy named, “Right person in Right Place”. This type of strategy is mostly seen in various companies and brands. This strategy helps the company in appointing the right person in the right place. It helps in proper functioning and avoids various miscommunications among the members of the company. The major drawback of various companies or the major reason for the failure of companies is due to the misunderstanding of managerial aspects and no proper utilization of resources. The company has to completely utilize all the available resources of and make the best use of them for its development or the brand. This becomes very important aspect for the company and by following such strategies the company can attain success and can become a hero from zero.

The next best strategy- the companies must focus on the qualitative output rather than quantitative one. Customers would love to maintain relationship with a company which provides the best quality rather than large quantity. Supplying fewer amounts of goods at high quality is more important than supplying larger amount of goods at cheap quality. A businessman who has the capability to differentiate among these two would achieve success and attain development and become hero from zero.

The next strategy is related to the market issues and market situation. According to the market situation and market prices the price of the products has to be set up. It must be “Affordable” by the customers and should be in a position that they continue to maintain peaceful relationships with the company. Price becomes the major aspect and plays a vital role in the market. If the company does not provide the costumers with products being reasonable and affordable, then the costumers would not like to continue the relationship with the company, thereby leading to lot of loss to the company. “Price decides the fate of a company”, can easily explain how price plays an important role in the market and the identification of a company.

To conclude, these are few strategies that various companies work upon to achieve success and attain development and the main factor i.e. becoming hero from zero. Companies always work with a concept of “going concern”, meaning, businesses always strive to continue for a long period of time, and they work hard in building up the image of the company or the brand. Then strategies like Right Person in Right Place, proper utilization of resources, price aspect, and quality more important than quantity, e.t.c. help in the development of the company or brand.


