Smile is truly a natural gift given to us. You can always find the difference between a wicked smile and a happy smile. Don't you..? Well character of a person is been defined by his/ her smile. It is always judged by how happy or wholehearted their smile is.

Do you know that even in our interviews, we are judged by our smile. It is always told that we can lead people with the help of our smile. Yes,it is absolutely true. People having a brilliant smile, they would be loved to be followed by many. Smile is also one of the major characteristics of leadership.

A smile can tell how your mentality is and how your personality is. You can welcome many people into your life with the help of your smile alone. Your smile and words play a beautiful role together. Infact they are directly proportional. How happy your words looks, that happy would be your smile. It is very important to have such a mentality.

People respect you because of your smile. People respect you because of your words and talks. Have you watched the Colgate advertisment. It is all how a mother invites her child into her life with her smile. Initially, the child gets scared to go along with the mother, but just because of her smile, she finds confidence and love in the mother towards her. So such beautiful and important it is to have a welcoming smile. Your love, happiness and many such feelings can be potrayed by just your smile...about how you think about others.

Sometimes people feel you to be very lucky. People having a good smile are truly very pleasant and good by heart. So people create a positive and good impression about yourself.

Smile is also the very first step towards success. Start up your tasks and activities with a beautiful smile and see how greatful the task goes on...!! For anything, be it your relationship, your workplace, your family, or anything else, win people through your smile. Lead people through your smile.

Smile is the greatest gift given to us by God, utilise it to the fullest and see how many wonders you can do...!!!!

