Let’s talk something very general today. Something which everybody can understand and relate to. What do you think is life..?? can you define it..? infact I could not. Life is a beautiful gift given to us by God. I feel Iam really very lucky to get an opportunity to live in such a beautiful world. Isn’t..?? maybe not everyone would feel the same, opinions defer. So today I would like to discuss the importance of the gift given by God. Let’s go..!!

Life is a beautiful place where we can find different types of things, emotions, people, and many more. It teaches us many lessons. Have you ever read little children’s stories books? Small and short stories giving a moral at the end. For example, the rabbit and the tortoise story. It gives us a moral saying not to be over over-confident.. and so on.

So in the same way, our life is a story and we learn morals at the end of every situation. Each and every situation that we face teaches us many lessons and gives us a chance not to repeat them again. Happiness, sorrow, fear, anxiety, excitement, victory, failure etc are all the page no.s of our life. Every person in this world has to face all such moments in their life.

Success cannot be achieved without facing such moments. A person can only understand the value and importance of his success, only if he faces such consequences in life. Therefore, sorrows and failures play a very important role for leading a person towards success.

There are many people in this world who think that they are useless. Have you met people of such kind.? It is very important to meet such kind of people. They help you have a better opinion towards your life. It is very important for them to understand that, if they were really that useless and waste, why would god create them in this world.? Don’t they have a role to play? Yes they do. Each and everyone in this world are created for some or the other purpose and it is our responsibility to acknowledge it and run for it. No body in this world is useless or waste. It all depends on how we take ourselves.

So there are 2 things to be understood. One, our life is not always filled up with roses and flowers. In middle we come across many thorns and worms. Those thorns and worms only help us reach the flowers and roses easily. So face the difficulties, and make your success path easy. Second, never think that you cannot do or achieve anything. Stay confident and start with a smile and see how wonderful and beautiful your life looks..!!

There is only one beautiful life, enjoy it to the fullest, without any regretss..!!
