Being judgemental is evaluating critically someone's capabilities, abilities, eligibilities, according to one's own believes, choices conventions or thoughts. sometimes personal or general, sometimes knowingly or unknowingly.

Today one of the biggest fear of human beings is being judged in one way or the other. But sadly humans are the unpredictable. It's difficult an image in his mind according to you.

Most of the the people in our locality, relatives and society, judge us my our status, physical appearance, our language and how do we live, every individual has their own way of judging others. But there are many people who doesn't need any reason to judge anyone, it's their tendency to do so, and they can't help it either. The people whom we call "judgemental ". They pass their judgments even without knowing the person.

5. Quotes on being judgmental

We are not here to judge each other but to Love One Another.

Wald Wassermann

Some people think they can barge in and give you their opinion eventhough you didn't ask for it.

Ellie Kemper

Actions whether practical or conversational are just the output of a multitude of mental, emotional and spiritual work.

Dr. Jancinta

You may judge others only according to your knowledge ofyourself.

Kehlil Gibran

When you feel that others are lacking and failing... first assess the skill, style, quality, results, mindset,support, professionalism and spirit with whichyou yourself play the game.

Rasheed Ogunlaru

What is Self judgment ?

This is very to define the word "Self Judgement", its judging oneself.

But it's not easy to describe why do we judge yourself. Do you ever think over it?

Most self-judgments is automated, it happens faster than the conscious mind can grasp what just happened. So the first step is to try, as much as possible, to notice the feelings of judgment when they come up. It will slow down the process of judgment and reaction.

Depending on how deep the automated feelings are, some things we can let go of in a few minutes, others might require that we do the best we can at this time and choose to let go of wanting to completely dissolve the judgment.

Feelings and Judgment

When you choose to let go, mental arguments and more feelings might come up again.

Repeat the process (notice, feel, let go) as many times as needed until you feel a calm stillness with hardly any emotion behind it.

The best test is to think of the situation again a bit later and see if it brings up any feelings. If it does, let go some more. If it doesn’t, you have cleared away some unhelpful feelings and judgments.

Depending on how deep the automated feelings are, some things we can let go of in a few minutes, others might require that we do the best we can at this time and choose to let go of wanting to completely dissolve the judgment.

And when the issue comes up again, we let go of it one more time. Then another time when it comes up again, and so on.

