What Do You Need To Know Before Tattooing

Nivit Karki
Mar 24, 2019   •  4 views

Ötzi- the Iceman- world's oldest example of tattoo

Tattooing has been practiced throughout the world since ancient time. Ötzi- the Iceman’ tattoo is currently the oldest example of a tattoo in the world. The estimated age is said to be 3250 BCE. The corpse got its name because it was buried deep inside the glaciers of Austrian Alps. Nevertheless, the same body has another record in its name-oldest known body piercing.

Humans are known to be adaptive and dominant since ages. The urge to dominate new lands and control power shaped the new civilization. The type of tattoo used to tell about the position of the tribesman for example, Maori head-hunters used to pierce their nose and ears to commemorate their enemies defeat. Tattooing was mainly practiced by Austronesian people. Later, it was spread to other parts of the world. Egyptians were fond of piercing and beautifying themselves.

Process and ink used in Tattooing.
A Tattoo is imprinted in one’s skin through tattoo guns. The credit of making the world’s first electric tattoo guns goes to Samuel O’Reilly.Interestingly, he added ink and its reservoir to Edison’s electric pen only to invent a tattoo gun. He is the pioneer of modern billion dollar tattoo industry. Today’s guns are capable of puncturing skin between 50 and 3000 times per minute, penetrating the skin up to 1 mm.

Modern tattoo inks are made up of various chemicals such as titanium dioxide, lead, chromium, iron oxide, and industrial grade carbon black but during Egyptian era, pine black, vinegar, vitriol, insect eggs were the main recipe.

Precaution before going for a tattoo session
Tattoos are one of the coolest stuff for today’s youngster but some measures should be taken before tattooing.

1.One should not try showcasing any artistic talent on their body. It is better to consult any professional tattoo artist.

2.Tattoos are permanent hence one should not go for tattooing without any proper counseling and decision. Around 23% of people regret their tattoo. According to one website, if one is willing to have any tattoo, then he/she should install any similar wallpaper. If the interest doesn’t lose after the regular observation, then one should go for that similar design.

3.The studio should follow all the necessary conditions for hygiene as well as safety standards. Staff should thoroughly follow the safety procedures.

4.Needles, tubes, container, and trays should be fresh, and the artist should unpack that in front of you.

5.The ink used in the process should meet all the safety standards and should be certified by designated authorities.

6.Avoid getting an infection and take good care of your tattoo.
7.Don’t remove the bandage from your tattoo; it is necessary to keep airborne disease away from your body.

8.Keep the tattoo clean and dry. Wash it with antibacterial soap and lukewarm water. Apply some ointments containing vitamins to avoid skin infections.

Keep these points in mind while going for a tattoo session and enjoy your new avatar.

