Our world has experienced reign and regime of some of the bravest and alluring women since long decades. Right from before christ era women have been dominating and extending their power through their wisdom and charm. One such ruler was Cleopatra a bewitch and brilliant sovereign who adventurously ruled in Egypt for 21 years and left her impression in the books of one of the greatest ruler of history.

Early life and uplifting her throne

Cleopatra was born in 70 BC as a daughter of Ptolemy XII. The throne was passed onto 18 year old Cleopatra and ger brother after her father Auletes' death in 51 BC. After her brother Ptolemy was raised for the throne she had to leave her kingdom and flee to Syria as her brother's advisors were defiant from her. As courageous, competent and determined she was, she raised an army of mercenaries and came back with a better edge and with a grand army to defeat her brother's army at Pelusium. Meanwhile the Roman general was murdered which made the rival Julius Caesar fit in to Alexandria. Cleopatra with her vivacious personality smuggled herself in and earned Caesar's support, pleading her case with him.

Cleopatra and Caesar

Caesar wanted Egypt to repay his debt and also had to float his way back in power through funds. Caesar got his way back after four months of war with Ptolemy XIII who flee back to Alexandria and drowned himself in Nile river. Caeser restored the throne to Cleopatra. They both remained in Egypt and gave birth to a son Ptolemy Caesar who was known by people as Caesarion.

Cleopatra with her son and brother went to visit Caesar in 45 BC but he was murdered and she returned to Egypt after her husband's demise. Her brother died soon after and her Son was named as the new co-regent along with her mother. By this point Cleopatra had really evolved and was polished as a ruler. She considered herself as Goddess Isis Mother of Horus which associated strong claim and royalty.

Struggle for power

During her reign the situation had been peaceful and secure than it had ever been but a famine and flood lead to hunger crisis and inflation. Meanwhile tension between Mark Anthony a triumvirate of Ceasar's allies and his assassins gave birth to a war. After defeating his assassins Mark Anthony and Octavian divided their power over Rome.

Mark Antony summoned Cleopatra to the Cicilian city of Tarsus to explain her role in the aftermath of Caesar’s assassination. Cleopatra sailed to Tarsus impressing Anthony with her charms. He agreed to protect Egypt and Cleopatra’s crown, pledging support for the removal of her younger sister and rival Arsinoe, then in exile. Cleopatra returned to Egypt, followed shortly thereafter by Antony, who left behind his third wife, Fulvia, and their children in Rome. He spent the winter of 41-40 B.C. In 40 B.C., after Antony’s return to Rome, Cleopatra gave birth to twins, Alexander Helios (sun) and Cleopatra Selene (moon).

After getting defeated in Parthia he publicly rejected his wife Octavia and returned to Egypt and Cleopatra. Anthony declared Caesarion as his rightful heir and divided all his land to his children equally. This began a rope of jealousy and war between him and Octavia in reverse Roman senate took all the titles from him and declared war against Cleopatra.

Cleopatra's death and trounce

In 31 BC Octavia's forces defeated Anthony and Cleopatra in Actium. Cleopatra fled to Egypt to escape herself from the raging war. With Alexandria under attack of Octavia's army, Anthony heard a rumour about Cleopatra's suicide. He killed himself with a sword not knowing about the rumour being false.

In 30 BC after Anthony's death, Cleopatra went underground and stated in closed chambers with her two servents. It is believed that she died poisoning herself with the asp ( a snake) which is considered as a symbol of royalty and magnanimity.

