Will Religious Amendments Really Solve Our Problems?

Nishtha Tiwari
Jun 10, 2019   •  63 views

There is a lot of stuff available on the internet today where a lot of people choose to speak against the religion and advocate the need for a body to make amendments in it. The failures of society weigh heavily upon the shoulders of religion. It is like breaking a traffic rule, the traffic police letting you get away with it and then you blame the constitution itself instead of the system. But, here it is not even the man-made, changeable system we are talking about. We are talking about the books that are believed to be revealed by The Supreme.

Here, we assume there is a body formed to amend the religious texts. What are the possible setbacks the world can face if it happens?

Firstly, the most basic thing- it loses its originality with multiple amendments according to multiple temperaments with passing time. And no matter how far one goes proclaiming that change is the only constant the world knows not that what our seers could tell us can still be told by the science of today. Not everything can be understood completely and we cannot be very sure in what context anything was written. Sometimes metaphorically written but literally taken. In the due process of amendments, we may lose a lot.

Secondly, no matter how religious people find themselves to be, in today's world half of the population doesn't even know what their ancestors thought. They don't respect the circumstances the texts were written in. Changing the specific parts of religion is actually defaming its original state, where we accept that it was its fault, not ours.

Thirdly, what is the guarantee that the people who did not follow something supposedly coming from God , would respect it after a group of elected people amends it and adulterates it? The people without actually taking the right references from religion which speaks in favour of inter-caste marriage, (in case of Geeta), which happens to preach non violence , (in case of Islam) , which tells you that multiple seemingly divergent truths can exist, ( Buddhism), blame the religion for caste division, honor killings, terrorism, etc. If we come to amend it, it will prove that these religions were actually wrong and there will be no sanctity left to its holy state.

One cannot claim to know everything, understand everything unless one really has. In case of vedic scriptures it isn't possible because the number of texts is large. Also one cannot blame the religion for banning menstruating girls from temples on account of hygiene because this isn't even the exact reason for doing it. Taking for example the Sabarimala Temple where women weren't allowed . The only point of amusement is that people do not understand that temples in India were made for different purposes. Sabarimala was for occult purposes also. The priests believe that the women and the injured or bleeding should not enter a place where occult is being practised. It was not a restriction but just a prescription. But still it was opposed on the grouds of discrimination. How can discrimination exist in religion in only one temple? In Bharavi Temple men aren't allowed to go. Do we call for justice and equality there? Everything has a reason even if it is inexplicable. As we already know that real self and the Absolute Reality is beyond what our senses can report to us, we should not try to bind what is generously given to us from the men of wisdom and great seers in a circle of our limited logical reasoning which is only an indirect approximation.

At last, if we interfere with the specific parts of the religion without understanding it completely, then aren't we taking away the faith of a person that he originally believes in. The faith itself has given us the freedom to choose things that we can conveniently follow. Will the rigid mindset of society change if the religion changes? Will the selfish and hypocrite society still not do what it pleases even if it is harmful? And whether it is even required when the existing judicial laws can instead be freed from religious interference? Below is a video of the spritual leader-Sadhguru, talking about how we can leave things as they are and still be respectful and free.


Religious influence on the minds of people has already been proven to be positively affecting mental health. Is there a guarantee that the new religion will be free from drug use, alcoholism that the youth believes in but the old religion finds it fatal? Do you think the new religion will stop you from being a sex worker or a stripper which the coming generation not only enjoys but uses it as a tool of exploitation? Do you think with the "change is constant masses" who use the concept mostly for only their personal interest, will not use the loopholes of freedom to do what they want to do which may also not include the best interest of the people?

Instead of giving various examples where people in the name of religion have committed atrocities, we need to fix the problem and restore the respect that has been besmirched by its caretakers. Religion is not only a bunch of sacred books but it is the history and record of how our ancestors thought and how they tackled the situation at that time. Adulterating it is equivalent to legitimately making it less valued. We need to be a progressive society that accepts the past, makes the future brighter but not at the cost of the faith or say the wisdom of our ancestors. Their ways may not be suitable for today's fast-paced generation but when practiced in the right spirit they still can lift your spirits and guide you to the right path. Also one has always been free to follow the path of his choice and if that freedom is given by both the judiciary and the religion, why still amend it and lose it to the ever-changing selfish interests of the society which might be profitable but not protective?

