We give many justifications for every act of ours and maybe it is right in its sense but as everything is open to criticism and we take so much pride in freedom of expression our democratic country provides us, let's discuss the emptiness of sacrifices in the name of God.

There is absolutely no denial that Sanatana Dharma has advised recognizing various paths to salvation. And, offering one's will to God in the form of sacrifices has been a very important part of the ritualistic religion. "The elements of the ritualistic cult found in the Vedas are developed in the Brahmanas into an elaborate system of ceremonies. While in the Rigveda the sacrifices are a means for the propitiation of the gods, in the Brahmanas, they become ends in themselves." Islam too sees Bakrid as submission of one's will to God in the form of sacrifice. Every year Muslims continue this tradition and observe it as obedience to Allah.

"It is not the mechanical performance of a sacrificial rite that brings about the desired result, but the knowledge of its real meaning. By the means of sacrifice we 'set in motion' the cosmic forces dealt with and get from them the desired results."

Now we are not competent enough to question the fruits it brings to us or the wisdom of our seers. But there is an option available in Upanishads when opting out of it is not only allowed but is something satisfying to our modern logical sensibilities.

In Upanishads, we will find that the empty and barren ritualistic religion is criticized. Sacrifices were relegated to an inferior position. They do not lead to final liberation; they take one to the world of the Fathers from which one has to return in due course. "When all things are God's, there is no point in offering to him anything."

The Upanishads lay great stress on the distinction between the ignorant, narrow, selfish way which leads to transitory satisfactions and the way which leads to eternal life. One has to understand that "true sacrifice is the abandonment of one's ego" . But are we really doing it in any way? The traditions and even the sacrificial rite has become so empty that there might not be any good at the receiving end at the cost of a being's life. We do not understand the hymns and mantras which in turn will render no good results. That is the emptiness which is pointed out. The priests in Vedic age knew the aim and the meaning of the performance of rites. It was very much in their power to help us gain temporary pleasures of life and improve our situation but in today's world, the number of highly knowledgeable and dedicated to their cause priests is less. Ultimately the sacrifice may go waste. Will, it was not better to seek other ways or follow the ways of Vedas whose effect is experienced from within? Meditation and Prayer is a way of exploring reality by entering the beyond that is within.

There is nothing condemnable in performing the sacrifices and various rituals as long as your focus is your present worldly problems and gains. But if you are willing your complete submission to God and long for unity with the Supreme, it does not lead you there. Besides, the correct way of performing them is the first necessity before you can even wish for anything in return which half of the religious representatives may not be skilled or determined to do. So either one can get the right person of the faith to get the job done or skip to a better version where one does not offer another life to show one's submission or obedience to God. Willingness after all comes from the heart.

