Summer has arrived and now is the time that your lips might start feeling rough and dry. You search for numerous options to get rid of your chapped lips but remember the thing that you are searching for is always near you. Chapped lips may be a problem because they are really painful. You can always apply moisturizer or lip balms on your lips but these are never enough for treating your chapped lips problem.

So here, we are going to discuss some proven home remedies to treat your problem of chapped lips and believe me you can see a significant change in your lips after applying this for the very first time.

  • You can always use oils like almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil for curing your lips. Almond oil is rich in vitamins and it can make your lips feel soft and supple. For applying almond oil you can Mildly heat the oil before applying it because it will increase the rate of absorption and hence will give you the desired result faster.

  • castor oil can also be used for treating chapped lips for this you can start by applying castor oil on your lips followed by applying petroleum jelly on your lips. Doing this regularly can help you get rid of dry lips permanently.

  • You can also use olive oil for treating your dry lips. Olive oil contains Omega 3 fatty acid which can help in healing dry part of not only your legs but also other body parts.

  • Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties which help in moisture retention through the skin. You can apply coconut oil during the night time and then sleep, waking up to a bouncy and healthy skin the next day.

  • You can also place fresh cut cucumber slices on your dried lips more than one time for 15 to 20 minutes for curing your chapped lips problem.

  • Aloe vera is used to treat anything that anyone can imagine so this time you can use aloe vera for curing your chapped lips. Aloe vera has properties that can help you rejuvenate your dried skin.

  • You can also use rose petals for your lips, it can be used for curing the chapped lips problem and also help you in making your lips soft, pink and smooth. For this you can soak rose petals in the required amount of milk and then make a paste out of it, then you can apply the paste on your lips for getting pink, soft and supple lips.

  • Avocado can also be used since it is rich in antioxidants, which can prevent dry lips.

Thank You!!

