Singapore Success Story: What It Can Teach Us

Nishanth C. R.
May 22, 2019   •  37 views

Singapore is widely regarded as an economic success, not just in Asia, but around the world. From spotless roads to high-rise buildings, Singapore is truly a global metropolis. The people of Singapore enjoy a very high standard of living and earn one of the highest incomes in the world.

But it was not always this good for Singapore...

Singapore became independent from British rule in 1959. In 1963, it joined Malaysia fearing that it will be unable to survive as an independent country. But, it was expelled from the union with Malaysia in 1965 due to racial tensions.

When Singapore became independent in 1965, it was like this...

Today, it is like this - clean, green, safe and prosperous...

So, how did Singapore go from being a third-world country to a first-world metropolis in less than 50 years?

  • Zero Tolerance for Corruption

Singapore has the lowest corrpution rates in Asia and the sixth lowest corruption in the world. Corruption in the public and private sectors is not tolerated. A former minister committed suicide because of allegations of corruption and fear of investigation. A corruption-free country can attract investment from western multi-national companies, thereby generating employment.

  • Crime-Free Society

Singapore is one of the safest countries in the world. Crimes such as vandalism, sexual offenses and immigration related offenses are punsihable by caning. Also, the death penalty is imposed for drug trafficking. The rule of law has ensured that Singapore is crime-free.

  • Good Public Infrastructure

Singapore built world-class transporation and communication system. It's public transport systems is one of the best in the world. Development of roads, hospitals, public parks, community centres, pavements etc. have created a very good living condition that motivates people to work hard.

  • Priority for Education

Singaporeans perform very well in educational attainment. This is because education is a high priority to the government. Public education is subsidised and of very high quality. The National University of Singapore is a leading university in the world. High educational attainment means a skilled workforce with better jobs.

  • Meritocracy

Singapore is a meritocracy, meaning that a person's abilities and hardwork are given importance. Religion, race, language and ethnic differences are not given great importance. If you have the right skills and work hard, you will succeed in Singapore. The government uses meritocracy in hiring competent bureaucrats thereby improving the government system.

Singapore's founding Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew played a crucial role in Singapore's success story.

The Singapore system is truly remarkable. From an impoverished swamp, it has transformed itself into a multi-cultural and highly developed city-state. The recipe for the success of Singapore was listed above. The same recipe will work in all countries, but its implementation must be consitent and efficient.

If a small third world country without any natural resources can achieve so much in just under 50 years, imagine what India can achieve if it governed in an effective manner.

