How Donald Trump Has Brought About Chaos

Ngawang Phuntsok
Mar 27, 2019   •  1 view

In Trump world, chaos is the new normal. One year after federal election process was up ended by some combination of deluded voters, Trump turned the white house into a graveyard for truth, civility and intelligence. His ruinous romp through institutions, policies, history has littered the American landscape with far more than a messing wardrobe.

The following actions of Mr. Trump brought opposition from different parts of the world and even from his own people :

1. Trade war with China.
2. Egregious behavior towards Muslims.
3. Restrained freedom for press.
4. His idiotic twitter handle.
5. His monopolistic behaviour in taking actions not considering the people.
India’s relation with US and how India needs to maintain them with Trump’s bad decisions :
● US has bagged Indian contracts worth $15 billion since 2007. It even overtook Russia in some years.

● Despite challenges, India - US relationship stands on its own. US remains among India’s leading partner for our national interest. It is our largest trading partner and leading source for investment. Any disturbance in this would lead to lot of consequences :

○ It will affect critical IT sector which is destined in US.
○ It will also affect all the Indians living in US.
○ Finally the financial earning that India gets from US will be out of control thereby disturbing India’s economy.

● Trump, wanted to disrupt all the above by the below :

○ The first ever foreign and defense minister level India US 2+1 dialogue was postponed 2 times. This clearly shows that Trump is focussed on staking out his own imprint on issues undermining the deals and decisions taken by the earlier leaders for the welfare of the country.

○ US’s focuses trade deficit. Even though it is not comparable with China, India is also having some significant exports to US. Trump’s government didn’t grant waiver to India on steel and aluminium tariffs imposed ostensibly on national security grounds.

○ US’s restrictions on H1B visas and threat to withdraw work permits for H4 dependents.

