I personally believe that we all are salespersons and we sell one or the other thing in our everyday lives. You won't believe it but this is true. There is a whole book "To sell is Human" by Daniel Pink written showing the same.

If a son wants to buy a car, he will try different tactics (methods) to convince his father. If a wife wants to go on a trip, she will try to convince her husband using several methods. If a new policy has been introduced by a company, it uses several ways to convince the employees so that they don't leave the organisation if it is not favourable for them. Suppose you a recruiter, you have a position to fill for a client, you call a potential candidate and you try to sell that job by convincing the candidate about the job, the perks, the company, etc. A CA has to convince the client for his services.

You know MBA students are often told, take marketing if you want to go for selling only then pursue marketing otherwise, opt for other selectives. But being an MBA in HR I have realised that Marketing or selling skills are something which everyone of us should learn. When you go for an interview, what if you don't know how to express your strengths? Your MBA or any xyz degree will be a waste. Interview is all about how well are you able to sell yourself. The only difference here is instead of money we get some resources in return.

Jeff Haden, contributing editor, Inc. says that sales skills are nothing but the communication skills. And that is the reason why a Management institute gives communication classes to every student irrespective of the selective.

Hence, irrespective of what we are or we do, we all must learn the proper communication skills and thereby the sales skills.

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