Who are we? People? Society? Puppets? Judge? Which Law College or court has made us a judge? None right? So then why are we so judgmental all the time? Why do we interfere in others life every now and then? Someone is fat, we judge; someone is at home, we judge; if someone likes to be alone, he’s arrogant. Look at her, she speaks with everyone even boys. And if by chance we see a girl and boy together, we have to assume them to be more than just friends and we have to comment on the same because without our invaluable comments, how will they survive.

We all have forgotten that we being the part of the society, we make the society. But that doesn’t mean that we have got the rights to peek in others’ life, judge them and comment on the same. Isn’t it unusual that suddenly the number of sarcasms on “#Log Kya Kahenge”has increased to a huge level?

Have we ever thought that to what extent, our comments and judgments affect others? It can ruin the lives of the people in seconds. One cannot take his choice of course in academics, one can’t go to other town, one cannot marry a person of other caste or religion, one cannot wear clothes as per their likes or dislikes and the list goes on. All this because of one fear’ “#Log Kya Kahenge”.

This becomes the most difficult when a person wishes to do something that is unusual and uncommon, something that everybody won’t do. Our friends, relatives sometimes even our own parents stops us saying, ‘You can’t do that’, ‘Nobody does that’, ‘You have to do what everybody does’, ‘You are not special one that we make different rules for you’, etc.

I just have one simple question to the entire fraternity, “Is there even a need of your insignificant interference in everyone’s lives? Do you like when people poke noses in your business? No, Right. Then why do you have to talk about others?”

This is my modest appeal to all the illegal, unofficial judges out there,

“Please stop destructing lives of everyone with your invaluable comments. Be with others the way you want others to be with you.”

Click on #Logkyakahenge and watch an amazing video on the same.

You can read all my articles by clicking 👉#wrytup.

Also don't forget to share if you like my writing. Thank you.😊



Profile of Neha
Neha  •  4y  •  Reply
@mihirlodhia yes that's true people are enjoying being judgemental because nobody is stopping them. I think we should indulge into a campaign against this too now.
Profile of Mihir Lodhia
Mihir Lodhia  •  4y  •  Reply
Rightly said. I think, it's one of the most common and hazardous issue that we are facing on a regular basis from the society. It's like people are enjoying of being judgmental. The problem of facing such people is tough task for kids and even young people too. This article is an eyeopener for our so called society. I like the ending note of author... “Please stop destructing lives of everyone with your invaluable comments. Be with others the way you want others to be with you.” Nice article. Keep Writing