The hard things that you know about your business but you are not willing to accept them. The content in the book is real, it's not wryly like most of the things we read.

This book straightforward tells how important it is to do things at the right time. Moreover focusing on what is paramount for running a business.

It talks about the things no one will tell you.

You can start your business and keep it small and still succeed.

There is no need for expanding unnecessarily.

The chapters are small and are divided into crisps which you can digest one at a time, the value which it imparts is priceless. Straight facts which penetrate the figures and statistics of the business world and gives you an idea of how real you can be while doing business.

This book has some real gems but to put it in a concise manner, a few tips that stood out of all the really amazing content are,

1. Do something that matters.

2. Solve your own issues, do not take up the issues of other businesses.

3. Deliver quality, do not indulge in comparison with other products.

4. Focus on the absolutely necessary everything else is a distraction.

5. Start with a small team and take decisions, don't just plan for the future.

6. Hire those people who you really need.

7. Quitting is fine.

8. Be true to yourself and your audience.

Ignore this book at your peril - Seth Godin

A definite read for all the people who are anywhere in the business domain or wish to get into the business world.

