I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence : Two roads divulged in a wood and I-. I took the one less travelled by And that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost.

Choices...Choices show us who we really are as humans. Choices portray we can always resist, always fight for what we want rather than accepting what destiny has to offer us. No matter how dire the situation is we can either choose to crumple to Tyrant Destiny's Desire or Rebel with all our might . When situation seems bleak and you feel like there is no choice left YOU. ARE .WRONG . You still have a choice - To fight .

Today we have become crippled by our own greed and laziness and this time its not about the common folks but about the people who prefer to spread their hands for begging money instead of using them to earn it.

Beggars. Why? Why do you have to beg. You have the same anatomy as any of us and a right functioning mind . Let me tell you if you feel you body slows you down your brain does race with an equal pace as ours . I know you are poor or homeless or maybe disabled or young and Destiny has done you no justice. Yes, you did not deserve to be like this . But you know what, inspite of all these setbacks you shall have a choice . You can choose to fight harder and Choose to live a life with your self respect and contentment by doing labour instead of living your lives by feeding on people's pity.

If you want to ask ... ask for Food ...ask for a Job...ask for Respect but Do Not ask for Money and certainly Do Not ask me to show pity for the fear of what God might bring to me otherwise.

I am just a child and I don't earn but I would always want to choose to live a life of Respect and Dignity rather than to ever Beg anyone for materialistic wealth because you know what ,Choice is Impartial.

It cares not for Status quo , caste , money, gender , disability. You always have a choice. Always. So , listen to this girl's voice and please DO NOT BEG for Money.

For us common folks , when they ask you for Money , think once of what I said about choices. Do not be afraid to say NO! That is what is Right for them and also for Us .

Because In The End , there will always come a time where we must choose between what is RIGHT and what is EASY ; and Do choose Right.

