An elder sister is a friend and defender - a listener, conspirator, a counselor and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too." - Pam Brown

Sisters often share a special bond that's hard to define. With the exception of your parents, no one has known you longer than your sister, and you probably understand each other better than most friends or even significant others. After all, you share a long history together that most people won't quite understand. All of that childhood togetherness makes for a unique relationship, and whether you get along or don't see eye to eye, sisters are special and important in your life.

Why sister's are said to be second mother??

  1. An elder sister support her younger sibling without allowing it to act against the family rule.

  2. An elder sister compliment and encourage her younger siblings.

  3. An elder sister is a role model of her younger siblings.

  4. From the moment her siblings came from the hospital, parents give responsibility to take care of you, to watch over you, to hold your hand crossing the street, to comb your hairs actually she behaves like a second mother.

  5. Sometimes parents are busy they don't have time to listen and solve their children problems so at that time an elder sister is always stand with younger siblings to protect her/him.

Having a sister as a second mother is combining two important people in one-Jenna Pizzi

Remember -

“A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” “Being sisters means you always have back up.” “A sister is God's way of proving he doesn't want us to walk alone.” “There is no better friend than a sister.

Best things about sisters..

  1. The best thing about having a sister that you always have a friend.

  2. The best thing about having a sister that you always have a person who care about you more after your mother.

  3. The best thing about sister is that they are always with you during all the highs and lows of childhood and maybe even into adulthood as a confidant and friend.

