Hey...Sweety Just Bounce Back To Normal!

Dhivya Balachandran
May 15, 2021   •  38 views

All things that make you feel ...

As if, Your Life is Falling Apart….

Give ‘em all...A Short sweet break...

There are times in life...

when nothing goes the way you want…

A journey that is full of highs and lows...But,

Either we Succumb to the failure….

Or Get up and Start again…..

The thing is Darlz……………

All of us have the ability to utilize…

And bounce back in life.

Someone once said:…….“Take a deep breath,

Pick yourself up,

Dust yourself off,

And Start it all over again.”

and admit that the whole world isn’t perfect…

someday it wears you down…

you can accept and face that and help others…

Rather being a hindrance.

Just Embrace the failure ….Love:)

Missteps and Roadblock are Common.

and of course, they are an ultimate opportunity to learn Pivot.

Go after your goals… with a new perspective…

And Always remember….

Opportunities are nothing but, Fresh Disasters!

The Glory Lies not in never falling ….

But in Rising up every time you fall….

After you hit bottom.

The Responsibility to pick yourself up is always yours.

Come on...

Darling…..The Comeback is Always Stronger than the Setback:)-




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