Environmental Impacts Of Hydrokinetic Energy

Lijin S Russel
Apr 07, 2019   •  26 views

Hydrokinetic energy, which includes wave and tidal power using a wide variety of technologies, is still at the experimental stages. Being a renewable energy, many countries have started to rely upon this energy source. Even though actual impacts are not found, there are many potential impacts in this source.

For example, wave energy installations require vast ocean space which can hinder other uses like fishing and shipping. They can also damage marine life and marine habitats. Some tidal energy installations are located at the mouth of ecologically-sensitive estuary systems. This can change the hydrology and salinity of marine habitats. This would be hazardous as we already know oil spillings cause huge damage to our lifesource. The preliminary published researches show that life cycle global warming emissions would be below 0.05 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per Kilowatt hour. Still we don't know the correct proportion of emissions.

The electromagnetic fields associated with the devices can attract or injure aquatic animals. Paints, cleaners, hydraulic fluids and chemicals used to control biofouling can be toxic to aquatic plants and animals. Deployment and operation may disrupt sediments and buried contaminants and increase turbidity. Erosion and scour may occur around anchors, cables, and other structures. Movement of the devices will cause localized shear stresses and turbulence that may be damaging to aquatic organisms.

Of larger scales, extraction of energy from the currents may reduce the ability of streams to transport sediment and debris. Fish and other aquatic organisms, diving birds, and mammals may be struck by moving parts of the devices (e.g., rotors). Large mobile animals may become entangled in submerged cables. Also, the screens used to protect the machine could themselves injure aquatic animals.

These hazardous impacts show that we should take proper care in harnessing tidal energy source. Better technologies without affecting marine organisms could be used. Also use man made water bodies rather than natural ones.

