Hey all, I am back with my articles after so many years. Now..

I’ll be 26 in 2 months with a lot of life learnings, lessons and stories. Here is one of them on this topic. By this time, most of them have guessed what I’ve written. Well! Read it completely and comment below if you have guessed it right or not.

Why should one think that health is wealth? Does health buy you fancy cars or expensive travel tickets? Well, the answer is NO. Then why does it called wealth? my dear fellow readers have you ever been with a fever, dental problem, minor hurts, or even a headache?

Exercise: Just close your eyes for a minute by recalling that scenario and relive that moment. Most of them would not be ready to do it. Why? May be it could be a big deal for you to even think about it. for the rest, who have imagined. Just share me about your experience in coments.

I will now reveal what’s happening. The day you’d fallen sick could be the worst days of your lives. You were not able to think clearly, your thoughts were shattered as if that was your end of the life. Our Intelligence in our brain know its all temporary, but at that moment, we lost our mental control, right?. Why this happens?.

Our physical body and our mental body deeply interconnected through various physiological, neurological, and energetic pathways.

Here’s how:

1. The Nervous System Connection

3. The Breath Connection

4. The Gut-Brain Axis

5. Energy Body & Chakras

6. The Impact of Movement & Posture

7. Emotional Storage in the Body

Humans are considered as the survival of the fittest in terms of the intelligence, social cooperation, cultural evolution and much more. But without that “Intelligence” we are all as equal as any other animal in the world. So if our physical health affects, so our mental health, so our actions, behaviours, decisions, emotions. Do you think without our mental clarity and physical strength you will achieve anything ?

Also, we don’t have broad knowledge on “Mental Health” and very rarely someone talks about it. So If your mental health is falling apart or loosing control. Just take a deep breathe and go on for a walk. Or you want to avoid such situations and be healthy I would advice you to indulge in some physical activities. Once your fit mentally and physically, who could be the wealthiest person than you?

Agree.. comment below!

Stay Hydrated, Healthy and Happy!!!

That’s all for today. Bye!

