What If Earth’S Atmosphere Was Pure Oxygen

Lakshay Saini
Jul 04, 2019   •  93 views

We all know that right now one of the major problems that we are facing are pollution and increasing temperature due to carbon dioxide but what if I tell you there is no CO2, I mean let’s take a situation that what if earth’s atmosphere was pure oxygen, what else then.

Bizard Changes

So after this weird assumption let’s get some basic changes- imagine if you just light up a matchstick then just boooooom, everything explode or let’s imagine giant insects are chasing us. These are just some of the example of what happen after our assumption. Now let’s take some serious issues about it.

Importance Of Oxygen

Currently oxygen occupies only 20% of the atmosphere and rest is mainly nitrogen. It is not secret that we all need oxygen and it allows us to breath. If there is no oxygen in atmosphere then everything would die. But what would happen if atmosphere was nothing but oxygen? Firstly it seems to be great idea because oxygen gives us energy and it will lead us to become super-human right!

More Oxygen More Danger

No, too much oxygen is actually bad thing and at a certain point it will become poisonous to humans. These changes occurs when we all adapted in living in this situation but If thus happen immediately then our lungs get in every breath we take and as you keep breath your chest and brain will get damage and finally you’ll get our funeral. For insects it might be a different story, there size get unexceptional big and they will take charge of earth. And the small fires, that small fires become much more than just small fires in our kitchen, if you can survive to just blown up a matchstick then it’s the last day of us, everything around you catch fire because oxygen is the key element of fire and within minutes the whole earth catches fire.

The only way to live in this situation is to adapt to breath that much amount of oxygen and make sure that nowhere fires light up.

I know this situation is just a thought but believe me back in days, air of Earth contains 36% of oxygen which gives the trees, plants and insects more oxygen/fuel to grow bigger and bigger. I even heard that back in time mouse are as bigger as our car right now. Quite shocking right!!

Can you imagine what is our life become without fire? I cannot imagine it because we need fire in everything.

