Hey guys, we had talked about so many things like Kuchisake onna, cartoon’s fingers, keyboard, saliva, dogs, Cicada 3301, online gaming and even there was an article on earphones, right!! But we haven’t talked about one topic which is YOU. I know some people read my articles frequently and some does occasionally but seriously guys thank you so much for reading these interesting articles and the compliments I got were just awesome, I seriously feel grateful.

In today’s article we will talk about you but wait I do know the b’dates of some of you but let’s take a date and you all just assume that this is your birth date for few minutes.

So let’s start……..

Now assume that your birth date is 7th January, 1997.

So this is your first day on this beautiful planet and you think that this is your oldest day right! No, 310 days before your birth that means 3rd march, 1996. Now this is not that day on which your mom and dad decided you to bring in this world, this is 1 month before that. This day is very important for you because on this day your dad produced almost 500 million sperms with the rate of 1000/sec.

And from these sperms only 1 sperm will win the race and fertilize the egg. And due to that 1 sperm you are here in this world. But do you know why this day is so much important for you because your dad drinks coffee that day or maybe not, who knows. But you are here due to one of these two reasons because coffee does affect the speed of sperm. Some other sperm was going to win the race but your dad drink coffee and the speed was affected and you won or your dad doesn’t drink coffee on that day and you won because speed doesn’t get affected. Just think if some other sperm have won the race then probably you couldn't get the chance of reading this article.

18th March, 1996

I think you know that every month women have to face painful menstrual cycle or may be your mom doesn’t know that after some days your mom and dad are going to bring you in existence. So your mom doesn’t have to face this menstrual cycle again for several months. All because of you.

2nd April, 1996

this was the day on which your mom and dad finally decided to make YOU. Don’t get excited because still there is no YOU. Firstly the sperm have to win the race and this process will take few hours.

3rd April, 1996

this was the day when the result comes and it is declared that you won the race. This day is very special for you because on this day we can say that you are a living entity. Probability =1/500 millions. Damn you are so lucky. Congratulations.

17th April, 1996

may be this was the day on which your mom gets to know that she is going to be a MOM.

24th April, 1996

on this day your mom was 100% sure that she is pregnant. And you know what is important in this day; this was the first day on which your heart gets pumped for the very first time.

And finally 7th January, 1997, your birthday. This was your first story and from 7th January, 1997 to till now is your second story. I don’t know much about your second story. Your second story is all depends on you. Do make it memorable to the world.

Thank you so much guys for reading my articles, i hope you guys liked them.

Take care.

