Do you find yourself talking out loud to when you get nervous? Do you find that it helps? Me too! I think we have heard the saying "talking to yourself is the first sign of Madness" well so be it.

I think if talking to yourself, out loud, help you get through certain task and hurdles in life, then do it.

Anxiety can trigger, for most people, in any circumstance, or time and place. That can mean that you are not around friends and family to guide you through a panic attack. It can mean that you are by yourself and have to navigate through your mental state, alone. Being able to do that is a great skill and makes you stronger and stronger, each time.

if I have anxious thought that overrules and drowns the voice inside me, telling me to be calm - speaking those calm thoughts, out loud, can make all the difference. I can talk myself through something and convince myself to push through. It is almost like coaching myself, "you are ok" "just Breathe" "don't overthink it" the words of encouragement.

There is nothing silly about helping yourself and working through a panic attack or just a nervousness before the presentation, simply by talking. Therefore if talking to myself is the first sign of Madness, then welcome it. My madness helps me.

It doesn’t mean you’re crazy. It helps you clarify your thoughts and understand yourself. Helps in shaking off the stress and calm down, also boosts your mood.

Have your own meeting. You can talk to yourself to get to the conclusion. Just say all your options, think which is better. Weigh their pros and cons. It helps in bringing the right choice to light. You might even be surprised at the unexpected thought or direction your thoughts take when they are audible.

Being an introvert can be sometimes difficult because you just can't go and confront people who tick you off. So talking to yourself about how they bother you or how the situation is unfair, can help you see the situation from a different perspective and help you calm down. But if this continues, I'd suggest to just go ahead and say that they are being an as*shole.

Understanding your thoughts is a must. Sometime you might think that something is good for you but it's not always the case. In this situation invite your subconscious to the meeting and talk. Just talk and let it all out.

It will help you to understand yourself.






Khushi B
Khushi B

Letting Go

Afreen Zahra
Afreen Zahra

Mental Health

Anushka Singh
Anushka Singh


Praveen Shankar
Praveen Shankar

Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you meenakshi amd sampada❤️
Profile of Meenakshi Iyer
Meenakshi Iyer  •  4y  •  Reply
Totally relatable 🙌
Profile of Sampada Belose
Sampada Belose  •  4y  •  Reply
Beautiful it is!