Grow Your Crystals! : Diy For Bismuth Crystals

Kavya Choragudi
Mar 20, 2019   •  51 views

Bismuth crystals are one of the most astoundingly aesthetic crystals that can be made at home.
When molten Bismuth is cooled, the upper layer is removed which results in beautiful maze structured crystals which after cooling down, takes different colours depending on the surrounding temperature.

Now, how do we make these aesthetically pleasing crystals at home?
The following are the steps for that:

1. Metal Bismuth (99% pure) chunks should be placed on stainless steel pan.

2. When the chunks have melted, a thin layer forms on the top.

3. Skim the upper layers and let the molten Bismuth cool down.
4.After the mixture has cool down completly, remove the outer layer.

5. Inside, you can see the beautiful structure of Bismuth crystals formed.

6. Initially the crystals inside have one same colour, but, after it is taken out of the pan and cooled furthur, it accquires different colours depending on the temperature at which it was cooled.

You can obtain Bismith crystals of different shapes and colours at home with no pain at all.

