There is not a single person on this earth who hasn't heard of pubg. Even my grandmother knows what it is. Pubg is an online multiplayer game where the players are first placed at a spawn island and then they are transported to a plane and they have to choose the destinations where they want to jump. Various types of guns, ammo, grenades are available. It gives you a very realistic feel and people are addicted to it. Pubg has a world of it's own. There is night vision available where you find night vision glasses so that you can spot the enemies.
They spend hours on this game trying to win and complete the royale pass missions. The makers of the game have made sure they release new content at specific periods of time so as to maintain it's popularity and keep the players intriguied. Different modes have been introduced, there is classic, arcade and war mode. Also there are different maps namely erangel, miramar, sanhok and the newest addition is vikendi-the snow map.Newer weapons have been added and the animation and the graphics of the game beat any other game there is today. You can play solo, duo or squad. Recently, a new mode called the zombie mode was added. People welcome all these new additions with open arms. There are various tiers depending on how you play namely bronze,silver,gold,platinum,diamond,crown,ace and conqueror. There are some glitches in the game which sometimes can be annoying but they are rectified as soon as they are reported. There are various knockoffs of this game but nothing ever compares to it.People are drawn to this game and there is nothing stopping them.The game has been in the market for a long time and still is as popular as ever. There have been various pubg tournaments where cash prizes were awarded to the winners. Like every other game this game has hackers too but the technical team works day and night to weed them out.
Pubg has had it's own share of criticial reviews from angry parents and has been banned in a few cities in India but it hasn't stopped the pubg fever from growing. People love the game and can't get enough of it. If you could exercise control and play for a particular time you must indulge in pubg as it won't let you down.