What Changes Will Happen Soon To Football Rules?

Jeremy Woods
May 27, 2024   •  0 views

It's true that football is the most popular team sport. Also, anyone can watch and play football games with famous players. There's no need for any special gear for a full-on game — just a ball and some friendly people.

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Let's talk about the changes that are happening or will happen in world sports now.

What should you look forward to soon?

The Royal Netherlands Football Association was the first sports group to take on the task of a 90-minute game with hope. Tests of the new rules have been going on in amateur football since 2017, it turns out. Its leader, Jan Dirk Van Der Zee, recently said that the country was ready to make changes to professional football because of the great results.

Of course, this won't happen all at once. They won't be able to test new ideas on teams until the 2024–2025 season in the country's second division. The main focus is on making events fast and fun so that people will want to watch them.

A lot of fans say that the ball play only takes up about half of a traditional 90-minute game. Sometimes, meetings stay completely quiet until the last bell blows. There are a lot of times when people are purposely taking their time. No one wants to watch their long fights and scary grimaces.

Of course, football players can't play uniquely for 90 minutes straight. Because of this, cutting the game short by 30 minutes makes sense. It's not yet clear how the new rules will really change professional gaming.

Important deals from IFAB

Together with Dutch professional footballers, the International Football Association has already made a list of the most important new ideas. The changes are not just about time, but also about the rules:

  • A football player can pass to himself when he or she is taking a corner kick or penalty kick. 

  • The player can also take a goal kick even if the ball is moving. 

  • The time on the board will match the clock on the head referee's desk. When the ball is out of play, the judge only needs to press a button to stop the game. 

  • There will be two 30-minute halves of the football game. Between them is a 15-minute break.

What experts think

The management of well-known football teams also supports cutting down on the game time and making the rules easier to understand. The leaders of both Napoli and Real Madrid agree with this point of view.

During his speech, Aurelio De Laurentiis talked about things that young people are interested in. Since computer games are always getting better, young football fans are let down when they watch a real game. Because of this, it's very important not to delay the game and to make it as fun and interesting as possible.

Mark Clattenburg, a retired football judge, has recently become a well-known figure in the media. During his talks, he often said that "pure" game time should be cut down. He supported the idea of "freezing" the time when the ball is not in play. To settle a dispute between players without hurting the game, the top judge only has to press a button on his wristwatch. 

When treating an accident with medical care, the same rule holds. A referee with a lot of experience said that during his career, there were many times when the players on the team ahead purposely pushed back the match or faked pain when they were hurt. For people watching, these kinds of movies are not fun.

There aren't any changes to the rules yet; however, the Netherlands is almost ready to slowly bring new ideas into professional football. The 2024–2025 season will be the start of the first step in this way.

