Russia’S Largest Digital Asset Deal Denominated In Chinese Yuan

Jeremy Woods
Feb 21, 2023   •  1 view

The concept of a digital asset is not new. Even in the past, there have been digital assets used to realize value. 

But with cryptocurrency gaining popularity, the concept of digital assets also became popular. A digital asset is anything that is created and stored in the virtual world. These assets are identifiable, assign a particular value, and are discoverable as well. For more information about the Bitcoin 360ai Denmark by clicking here:

With the growth in technology, the concept of digital assets also is gaining popularity. A digital asset can be anything from a video, image, content, painting, etc. such types of assets hold value. Each of these assets also holds unique ownership. 

To make it easier to understand let us take an example. A company's brand value can be a digital asset. It has a value in the market that is either tangible or intangible. Tangible value in most cases is monetary. On the other hand, intangible assets are those that cannot be measured. Also, there are a few types of digital assets which is of value to one person. A classic example here is a family picture. Whereas, there are a few other sets of digital assets that are of importance and value to a much wider audience. 

The most popular type of digital assets in the market today are non-fungible tokens and digital images. 

Understanding the working concept of digital financial assets

Today, digital assets are more than just crypto tokens. Yes, when Bitcoin first entered the market the concept became interesting. But as technology evolved, the concept of digital assets also changed. Today, digital asset is not limited to cryptocurrency. An image, content, documents, videos, etc have become a digital asset. Additionally, digital assets may also include gaming avatars, manuscripts, and logos. Yet another interesting step in this concept is the use of social media accounts as a form of the digital asset. 

Now coming into blockchain technology, there are a few other digital assets of value. This includes tokens like NFTs, security tokens, etc. 

Is digital asset really important?

Now that we have understood the concept, it is also important to check if digital assets are important. 

Take a look around our daily lives. We are technology dependent these days more than ever before. We turn to digital media to learn anything new. We look for digital information on the web for our daily activities. 

Our daily activities including notes, pictures, and to-do tasks are all digital these days. Hence, the importance of digital assets in our lives is an integral part of today. What's more important here is to realize how to make use of these assets. 

This is where blockchain technology played a major role. Industries, government agencies, and many others realize the potential of blockchain. As we speak, this technology is not about enabling crypto payments alone. The concept of blockchain technology has taken centre stage. There is various research under this umbrella to understand the concepts better. Various multinationals are relying on this technology to automate their processes. Manual efforts reduce big time through this working model. 

Russia's step toward authorizing digital asset 

Yet another important step in the digital asset space. A Russian-based company has come out with a project involving a foreign currency in digital transactions. The said transaction involves China's Yuan currency. As per the estimate, the transaction volume is expected to be around 516M roubles. This roughly translates to around $8 million. This is indeed the biggest transaction in the digital space. 

The transaction was undertaken on an online website namely Lighthouse. The platform deals with digital financial assets and is approved by the Russian Bank. The online website went live in March of last year. 

Russia has always taken strict and immense steps to regulate cryptos. The country is already working on a framework to regulate crypto transactions. Coming to digital assets, the country developed a framework way back in 2021. Officials are also looking at opportunities to legalize cross-border payments using cryptos. The tokens issued now are valid for the next 30 days. The digital assets also provide an interest rate of 4% making them attractive to hold and invest. 

This new financial instrument will work as a driving force for various short-term investments. 

Learn more about digital assets in Bitcoin smart 

