Design Your Workspace: Minimalism At The Desk

Jeremy Woods
Jan 29, 2024   •  1 view

When designing your workspace, remember: that many things are distracting and create clutter. Here you will find useful tips for minimalism at your desk. So you can better focus on

If you have 50 pairs of shoes, you can't possibly wear them all at the same time. The idea of minimalism ties in with this: It's about breaking your consumption down to the essentials. "What do I need?" is the key question. This saves money, nerves, and chaos. 

Minimalism also means that you are satisfied with just a few things. Even the famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in his work Zarathustra: "Truly, he who possesses little will be possessed all the less: Praise be to small poverty!".

You can also design your workplace according to the principles of minimalism. With these simple tips, you can do this easily.


When designing your workplace, it is best to follow the minimalist lifestyle.

1. tidy up and sort out:

To design your workplace in a minimalist way, you should first of all tidy up and sort things out thoroughly. Ask yourself for every item, no matter how small: Do I need this? Think about when and how often you use each item. 

If you conclude that you are no longer using something, don't throw it away. Often someone else can make good use of it. Find out more: Selling and buying used books.

2. tidy up your computer:

If you have tidied up your desk, you should also tidy up your PC. Many people have a rather cluttered desktop with lots of files and folders. This also raises the question: What do you need?

If all the files and folders are indispensable, you can perhaps reorganize them, for example in folders with project names or grouped by year.

3. which things go back on the desk?

After tidying up, the next step is to think about what needs to be on your desk. A laptop or monitor, phone, desk lamp, writing pad, and pen, as well as your favorite decoration (e.g. a plant, or a personal picture), are usually all you need on a minimalist desk. A tidy desk is liberating, and you will feel more comfortable at work. 

Tip: You should store all papers in labeled folders. It's even better to print out as little as possible and save it in digital form instead. Is it possible to store invoices, minutes, and so on on your computer? This not only saves you from having to store large, bulky folders on shelves but also helps you to act sustainably by using fewer resources if you have to buy new folders or print out these documents separately.


Take regular breaks and create an energy-saving way of working. You have organized your workplace - now you should also reorganize your work. How are you doing at work? Are you happy with your workflow and are you taking regular breaks? Is there anything you can change or simplify to make you feel happier at work?

You can use these questions to increase your well-being at work. Because "less is more" also applies to your workload. It's about how you can create a balance between work and free time that makes you feel good.

When setting up your home office, you can also design your workspace so that you can focus on your work at your desk. 

Tip: To keep your workspace and your way of working minimalist in the long term, you should tidy up at certain intervals and think about how you can improve your working day. You can also clean your PC and clean the keyboard.

