Players Unknown Battle Ground Aka Pubg has a lot to be spoken. Pubg players should know the background about players Battleground to make an effective playing experience in the game field. Pubgis that the craze of today's generation among different parts of the country as this game has been played throughout the planet where a serious impact among the younger generation is created for are spending hours and hours of time in playing this shooting game in their most important part of their career life. The introduction of pubg created a booming environment in all the peoples mind which created a curiosity in the minds of the young generation and they discovered the curiosity which played a bigger part in their life of usingt hat app in order to get rid of their boredom time.


Pubg game came after the Japanese movie ' Battle Royale' which aired in the year 2000.

The game is predicated on previous modes that were created by Brendan "Player Unknown" In the game, up to at least one hundred players parachute onto an island and scavenge for weapons and equipment to kill others while avoiding getting killed themselves.The safe area of the game map decreases size over time directing surviving players in tighter areas to force the encounters. The last player or the group standing wins the round.

Battleground was first introduced in Microsoft Windows for paid promotion. The same year Android and Apple iOS charged as a free play game in the year 2017.


Some facts...

Battleground was first introduced in Microsoft Windows for paid promotion. The same year Android and Apple iOS charged as a free playgame in the year 2017. Some facts...

  • PUBG set the planet record for more simultaneous players at once.

  • Winner Winner Chicken. ’Winner Winner Chicken Dinner’ came from alley craps back within the Depression.

  • They used to play craps in alleys and didn’t always use money, but if they did it use money and they where winning, it meant they could afford chicken for dinner that night.”

  • Pubg became the best selling game on a single platform in the year 2017. Pubg players are able to record game play in 3D format which gives them a real gametic experience.

  • BlueHole Studios didn’t spend any money for the advertisement of PUBG.

Pubg game is unforgiving. The players avert themselves from being killed. The game is based on kill or be killed. The game is most suited for thrilled and adventurous ones. Pubg can be time killer for the people but at the same time it also can be felt has an addiction to the game. When we play on a daily basis which makeup brain feel that we cannot live without playing that game so we can play the game with the control of the mind and the body from being addicted to the game

