Watermelons and their juice are linked to several health benefits.

Lower Blood Pressure:-

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for chronic disease and premature death.

Watermelon is a good source of citrulline, which is converted into arginine in our body. Both of these amino acids aid nitric oxide production.

Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that causes the tiny muscles around your blood vessels to relax and dilate. This leads to a reduction in blood pressure .

Supplementing with watermelon or its juice may reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness in people.

Reduced Insulin Resistance:-

Insulin is a vital hormone in our body and involved in blood sugar control.

Insulin resistance is the condition in which our cells become resistant to the effects of insulin. This can lead to elevated blood sugar levels and is linked to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Watermelon juice and arginine intake are associated with reduced insulin resistance in some studies . Reduced Muscle Soreness After Exercise. Muscle soreness is a well-known side effect of strenuous exercise.

One study showed that watermelon juice is effective at decreasing muscle soreness . Research on watermelon juice (or citrulline) and exercise performance gives mixed results. One study found no effect, while another observed improved performance in untrained — but not well-trained — individuals .

Watermelon may reduce blood pressure and insulin resistance in some people. It is also linked to reduced muscle soreness after exercise.

Watermelon contains relatively high amounts of fructose, a type of FODMAP that some people do not fully digest. FODMAPs like fructose may cause unpleasant digestive symptoms, such as bloating, gas, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation.

Individuals who are sensitive to FODMAPs, such as those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), should consider avoiding watermelons. Allergy to watermelons is rare but does exist. This fruit also contains FODMAPs, which may cause unpleasant digestive symptoms.

Watermelon is an exceptionally healthy fruit. It’s loaded with citrulline and lycopene, two powerful plant compounds linked to lower blood pressure, improved metabolic health, and decreased muscle soreness after exercise.

What’s more, it’s sweet, delicious, and packed with water, making it excellent for maintaining good hydration. For the vast majority of people. Watermelon is a delicious low-calorie treat with numerous benefits. Here are the top 9 ways that watermelon can improve your health. The watermelon diet can help us lose weight, reduce inflammation, and cleanse our body of toxins .

The 5 Best Watermelon Seed Benefits:-


We might be spitting them out as we eat. Some people just opt for seedless. But the nutritional value of watermelon seeds may convince us otherwise.

Watermelon seeds are low in calories and are nutrient always. When roasted, they’re crispy and can easily take the place of other unhealthy snack options.

Roasting watermelon seeds is easy. Set your oven at 325°F and place the seeds on a baking sheet. It should only take about 15 minutes for them to roast, but we may want to stir meanwhile.We can make the seeds taste even better by adding a little oil like - olive oil and salt, or sprinkling them with cinnamon and a light dusting of sugar. If we prefer more flavor, we can add lime juice and chili powder, or even cayenne pepper. How much nutrition we reap from watermelon seeds depends largely on how many we eat. Because they’re small, we need to eat quite a few to get their considerable benefits.



One ounce of watermelon seeds contains approximately 158 caloriesTrusted Source. Let’s take a look at what constitutes an ounce. There are approximately 400 watermelon seedsTrusted Source in a single ounce, far too many to eat in one sitting. By contrast, there are only 15 potato chips in an ounce, far less than most people would normally munch in one sitting. A large handful of watermelon seeds weighs about 4 grams, which contains about 56 seeds and just 22 calories. Far less than a bag of potato chips!




One of several minerals found in watermelon seeds is magnesium. In a 4 gram serving, getting 21 mg of magnesium. The FDA recommendsTrusted Source adults get 400 mg of this mineral daily. Magnesium is essential for many of the body’s metabolic functions. It’s also required to maintain nerve and muscle function, as well as immune, heart, and bone health.

b:- IRON


A handful of watermelon seeds contains about 0.29 mg of iron. It might not seem like much, but the FDA only recommends adults get 18 mg in their day.



There are 2 μ of folate in a single serving of watermelon seeds. The FDA recommends adults get 400 μ each day. Folate, also known as folic acid or vitamin B-9, is important for proper brain function and also works to control homocysteine levels. Women of childbearing years need even more, since folate deficiency has been associated with certain neural tubal birth defects.

Watermelon seeds also provide a good source of both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids . Watermelon seeds have many health benefits. Although the amounts of some minerals and vitamins within them may seem low, they are still far preferable to potato chips and other unhealthy snacks.



Men have long experimented with remedies to treat erectile dysfunction and have had mixed results. Though research is still in its preliminary stages, some studies suggest that watermelon may be a viable substitute for Viagra. Men with diabetes should discuss with their doctors how much watermelon they can safely consume. Watermelon and other fruits can raise blood sugar levels; so eating large quantities may be unsafe for some people with diabetes. Watermelon is low in calories, but overconsumption of any food can lead to weight gain. It is unwise to eat large quantities of any food, especially if doing so causes gut pain or uncomfortable feelings of fullness.

"We have known that watermelon has citrulline," says Bhimu Patil, PHD, director of the Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center at Texas A&M University, College Station. Until recently, he tells WebMD, scientists thought most of the citrulline was in the watermelon rind. "Watermelon has more citrulline in the edible part than previously believed," he says.

How could watermelon be a natural Viagra? The amino acid citrulline is converted into the amino acid arginine, Patil says. "This is a precursor for nitric oxide, and the nitric oxide will help in blood vessel dilation."

1. Benefits for the skin

Snacking on roasted watermelon seeds can be very beneficial for your skin. It prevents the outbreak of acne, moisturizes your skin, prevents dullness, and prevents early signs of ageing as well. Regular consumption of these seeds keep elasticity in place and this is one of the reasons why watermelon seeds should be consumed regularly. Apply the oil of these seeds on your face to block your pores, thereby preventing the outbreak of acne.

Watermelon seeds prevent the outbreak of acne, moisturizes your skin and prevent dullness.

2. Benefits for hair

Protein, iron, magnesium and copper are some of the most important nutrients for your hair. Applying them regularly on your hair can have a whole lot of benefits for your hair, especially when you are dealing with hair thinning and hair loss. While protein boosts hair growth, magnesium prevents split ends and breakage. Copper boosts melanin production which keeps your hair silky and vibrant.

Copper in watermelon seeds boosts melanin production which keeps your hair silky and vibrant

3. Better blood sugar control

Watermelon seeds are linked to better blood sugar control and reduced insulin resistance in the body. This is quite essential for the health of diabetespatients. The primary concern of diabetes patients is controlling blood sugar levels and watermelon seeds are a delicious and healthy way of going about it.

4. Boosts energy levels:-

Watermelon seeds are high in calories, agreed. But do we where most of those calories come from? Turns out, most of the calories which come from watermelon seeds come from healthy fatty acids. One cup of watermelon seeds give our metabolism the kick it needs and nourishes our body with essential nutrients as well. However, we still are high in calories and eating too much of us can induce weight gain so be mindful of our portions.

5. Prevents osteoporosis:-

Osteoporosis is a condition of weak bones and low bone density which increases the risk of fractures. Eating dried watermelon seeds regularly can prevent the early deterioration of our bones. These seeds are an incredible source of magnesium with over 140% of our daily requirement in just one cup. They are also rich in copper, manganese and potassium. All these nutrients contribute to bone health, strengthen our bones and improve their mineral density as well.

Eating dried watermelon seeds regularly can prevent the early deterioration of our bones.

Best Benefits Of Watermelon Seeds For Hair, Skin & Health:-


Health Benefits Of Watermelon Seeds:

Here we enlisted top 13 health benefits of watermelon seeds. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Provides Essential Amino Acids:

Arginine and lysine are some of the amino acids that are required by the body for functioning in an ideal way. The former helps in improving the metabolism in the body and the latter is helpful for the absorption of calcium for strengthening the bones and the tissues. These amino acids also have great benefits for sexual health.

2. Gives Unsaturated Healthy Fats To The Body:

About 80 % of the fat in watermelon seeds are unsaturated fats and healthy in nature along with an inclusion of omega fatty 3 acids. Consumption of watermelon seeds only means good amount of energy to the body without the extra calories. A cup of dried watermelon seeds can fulfil half the requirement of healthy fats daily.

3. Magnesium Source:

The seeds of these fruits have good levels of magnesium in them that only helps in maintaining a lot of body functions in an ideal manner. It helps in the perfect functioning of the heart and also strikes a balance in the blood pressure levels. It can also control diabetes to a good extent along with providing support to the metabolic process in the body.

4. Enhances Male Fertility:

The lycopene antioxidant in watermelon seeds is always a good and effective home remedial way to enhance the male fertility levels in men. This should be possible by including the dried seeds in the everyday diet.

5. Immunity Boosting Food:

After an illness, one can use watermelon seeds in the diet for proper recovery from the crisis. The effects are quite visible in a couple of days. For those with memory issues, watermelon seeds will help recover a good and sharp memory once again.

6. Watermelon Seeds Treats Diabetes:

A handful of watermelon seeds in a litre of water for 45 minutes should be taken each day as a home remedy for diabetes control. This is one of the benefits worthy enough to be mentioned here because of the prevalence of diabetes in the population.

7. Excellent Source of Multivitamin:

One of the best health benefits of watermelon seeds is that it is an excellent source of many multivitamins and will allow us to replace many supplements. It contains good amounts of vitamin B and the seeds of this fruit consist of folate, niacin, vitamin B6, etc and many more. These components in the seeds of this fruit allow this fruit to be used in many useful purposes, such as curing diseases, improving the nervous system, etc. It can be said that watermelon seeds are some of the best seeds ever to be found.

8. Increase Memory Power:

The watermelon seeds health benefits cannot just be ignored. The seeds boost the recovery power which may further be concerned with any kind of disease or injury. This is one of the best ways to use the extracts of an organic gift from mother nature. It will also sharpen memory. This is one of the best watermelon health benefits and persuades people to intake this fruit quite often.

9. Prevents Osteoporosis

Watermelon seeds can help in strengthening bones and increase their density. Regular consumption of watermelon seeds can prevent Osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones are weakened. The chances of falling prey to fractures gradually decreases with the help of watermelon seeds.

10. Low-Calorie Foods:

This is one of the best watermelon seeds health benefits. There are some fruits which are good for you but might contain high amounts of calorie. But not the watermelon. It contains a good amount of saturated fat along with many organic minerals but still doesn’t contain high amounts of calorie. The low-calorie content of this fruit makes it usable for many purposes. One ounce of watermelon seeds sports not more than 155 calories. An ounce is a lot of seeds. So if we compare it with the number of seeds of some other fruit, wewill definitely find that watermelon is more beneficial in this subject.

11. Iron-Rich Food:

The benefits of watermelon cannot be put all together as they are numerous. This particular benefit is one of the best ones. Watermelon seeds benefits also include the content of iron which are one those minerals which are frequently required by our body. From now on don’t spit the seeds out, keep them aside and put them in the oven to make something delicious of those seeds. The content of good amounts of iron in the seeds makes the watermelon one of the most selling and most consumed fruits ever.

12. Promotes Healthy Fats:

According to the report regarding the precise identification of the benefits of eating watermelon seeds, it has been found that this fruit has tons of benefits including the saturated fat (about 20%). According to experts, one cup of watermelon seeds can provide the body with good amounts of fat which are actually good for the body. The seeds also contain omega-6 fatty acids which are also required for maintaining good health.

13. Lowers Blood Pressure:-

Watermelon seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium and copper so which are helpful in reducing high blood pressure. Add watermelon seeds in our daily routine, can control blood pressure levels in your body.

Watermelon Seeds Benefits For Skin:

Here we enlisted top 2 watermelon seeds benefits for skin. Let’s have a look into them.

14. Moisturizes Skin:

The fatty acids in the watermelon seeds is a perfect use for soft, supple and moisturized skin. It also adds firmness and prevents skin disorders and acne issues. Overall, it maintains the good health of the skin with application and consumption.

15. Prevents Clogging of Skin Pores:

Watermelon is basically a light fruit and can be used for treating skin pores. The extracts of watermelon seeds have a compound which has been proved to be beneficial for treating the skin clogging process.Apart from making the skin look younger, it provides the skin with a natural glow which is admired by a lot of women. This is the reason why a number of face wash products come with watermelon seed extracts.

Watermelon Seeds Benefits For Hair:


Here we enlisted top 3 watermelon seeds benefits for hair. Let’s have a look into them.

16. Keeps Hair Black and Shiny:

Copper is one of the minerals present in watermelon seeds that stimulate the production of melanin in the body responsible for giving colour to the hair. It also provides the colour to the skin.

17. Prevents Hair Breakage:

The essential fatty acids in watermelon seed oil help in nourishing the hair strands deeply. This ensures proper strength of the hair and makes it a point that hair breakage is kept at bay. One can always mix the oil with carrier oil and massage on the scalp .

18. Provides Hair with Essential Fatty Acids:

According to many studies it has been seen that watermelon provides the hair with a number of fatty acids which are actually extremely beneficial for keeping the hair healthy. It can keep the hair moisturized and prevent excessive hair fall problems as well. This is one of the best benefits of watermelon seeds. It is one of the prime reason why many hair products, especially shampoos sport the watermelon seed extracts.

Watermelon seeds have incredible health benefits. They are sources of important minerals and vitamins necessary for a healthy body, smooth skin and shiny, black hair. Sprouted watermelon seeds can be made at home by extracting them from the fruit, drying them in sun and shelling them. These can be mildly toasted without oil and can be seasoned with salt and spices. Next time we eat a watermelon fruit, remind ourselves not to spit out those super good watermelon seeds. Save them in a bowl and make a delicious snack for us and our family. Too lazy to do them at home, we can buy store bought organic watermelon seeds. Stay healthy and snack well with watermelon seeds.

