real or fake? food adulteration is the new trend. water is mixed with milk. artificial colour are added to fruits. what one can expect from people?

“ Do not eat from outside , I will make something at home” ,is what, most of the times we hear from our mom. But, just think the food we eat home , is it safe? You mightbe thinking why, am I asking this question?The answer lies in the queries related to the question only, which is , what youeat . Remember the last time , when you were ill , after eating something made at home, I guess that won’t be so tough to think.

If the problem lied only in the food that we ate from the vendors , then we hadgastro diseases from the food made at home. The problem basically , lies at the ground level , the toxic elements added to the food items are responsible for the problems caused. The fertilizers used in the food items , in order to increase their growth and the shelf life of the food items are accumulated in them , whichhave a bio magnificationand when the pass on to successive trophic level , the amount of the fertilizers increase . To the surprise, on the highest trophic level lies the human beings, who have the highest value accumulated.

From ourvery childhood , all of us have heard about the word, “ adulteration”. But, what does the word mean in the general language . adding up an item usually of poorer quality which is miscible in order to gain more profit so as to increase the margin in a particular item. The best example of adulteration is that of milk.But today , the situation is not limited to such a minor value. It is much more severe than we could ever expect, they add up low quality adulterants, without thinking of the quality of food they are giving to the customers. They just think about the profitthey would earn fromthe products being sold , not knowing the danger they would cause, againthe greedplays the major role here.

The preservatives used for preserving the fruits all long the year , also prove to be harmful due to their accumulation in the food . This is not it , thanks to the pollution too , that proves to be a major disaster for the crops as it gets accumulated along the minerals in the plants , which is absorbed in the plants through roots and that is what we eat, thinking it pure.

The situation could be changed when all of us become aware of the current scenario related to food abuse. The use of fertilizers should be reduced and there is a need to switch to organic methods of agriculture, in order tomake a better future.

