Tips on PUBG Mobile.

1. Land first.
It's is very important to land first then all the other players. This will help you to get a better loot faster and you will have a higher chance of killing your enemies before they even have the time to loot. All keep an eye on who is landing where and locate your enemy before pushing towards them to kill them.

2. Practice your aim.
It's very crucial to practice your aim because if you don't have a good aim and your bullets are missing your opponent, they will kill you much faster. All practice you aim with different guns because you might not get your preferred gun when you land at first.

3. Choose your dropping location.
Before getting on the plane mark the location where you want to drop. The location should be close from the line and not too far where you won't be able to reach.

4. Keep an eye on the map.
All keep an eye on the map to know when the zone will shrink. It will also help you to know your distance from the safe zone. The mal also helps you to avoid the red zone, which is an area where bombs are being dropped by the game.

5. Wheels are faster than legs.
Always travel in a vehicle. It will help you reach your destination faster. It will also help you to escape from critical situations. When you are in the open you should always be in a vehicle so that you can take cover if someone is firing from an unknown source.

