We have billions of mind working on this planet and each one thinks and functions differently. With a myriad range of eccentricities in each mind comes various disorders, affecting it. Some of really crazy ones go as:

Broca Aphasia - It is the inability to speak coherently. A person can read, write, learn but he is unable to speak in a fluent manner. The speech is not coherent and there is always a problem in completing a sentence.

Its main cause is the damage in the Broca’s area. Broca’s area is a region in the brain which enables one to speak fluently and put the words in a rhythmic manner. The damage may be due to a stroke, head injury, tumour or infection. Its treatment include treating the damaged area along speech exercises and tailored therapy sessions.

Hemispatial neglect- The damage to one side of the brain causes the person to lose awareness regarding one side of the space around them. Patients fail to acknowledge even mighty items put forth, on their contralesional side.They are only able to see and the items at the same side of their damaged brain. There are different strategies prescribed by the doctors to help cure this disorder. One of them includes directing the eye towards the information that is being given out, with an object or finger being the focus.

Aphantasia – The inability of the mind to visualize is referred to as aphantasia. When the word ‘tree’ is said, most of us are able to visualize a picture of a tree, its colour, size. An image is drawn into our mind but people suffering from aphantasia usually lack the imagination. Its more like an empty space in their mind. Even formation of recognized faces seems an arduous task to them.

People with this disorder are almost oblivious of what dreams, during sleep, are like. One of the users on Quora explained most of his dreams were made up of words.And no specific cure has been found for this disorder. People have continued to live with this condition for their whole life.

Cotard Delusion- Also known as corpse syndrome or cotard’s syndrome is a mental illness in which a person believes that he is dead.They believe most of their body parts to be not working, with no blood, bones, muscles. They refuse to take inany proof to explain them the truth of their working body and them being alive. The delusion also causes people to starve themselvesto death.

Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, psychotherapy are some measures adopted for treating the condition. Electroconvulsive therapy is resort to more depressed patients.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome – Yes, there’s a syndrome named after the fable. This condition alters and magnifies the objects around you to abnormal magnitudes. You may feel large at one time and extremely short at another. Different patterns of waves can be seen and the patient loses a track of time.Brain starts to perceive things around,differently. No specific cause or treatment has been attributed to the disorder but according to an article by Healthline “Researchersbelieve unusual electrical activity in the brain causes abnormal blood flow to the parts of the brain that process your environment and experience visual perception. This unusual electrical activity may be the result of several causes.”

